Opinto-opas 2008-2009

Perus Pori KV Jatko Avoin

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Opinto-opas 2008-2009

TLT-8107 Basic Communication Circuits - 2, 7 op

Opintojakson vastuuhenkilö

Nikolay Tchamov, Tapio Lehtonen


  Luentoajat ja -paikat Kohderyhmä, jolle suositellaan
Toteutus 1

Per 4 :
Keskiviikko 13 - 15, TB111

2. vuosikurssi
3.-n. vuosikurssi
Sähkötekniikan koulutusohjelma
Tieto- ja sähkötekniikan tiedekunta
Tietoliikenne-elektroniikan koulutusohjelma  


1. Exam. 2. Attending at least 80% of the Lectures. 3. Attending all Exercises. 4. Developing all Homeworks. 5. Completing all Laboratory Exercises.
Osasuoritusten pitää liittyä samaan toteutuskertaan

Opetukseen ja oppimiseen liittyvät periaatteet ja lähtökohdat



Second Basic course with selective attention on major importance basic communication circuits in Wireless Communications use. It is a natural continuation of the course # 8016 Basic Communication Circuits-1. Lectures deliver the basic principles and illustrate them with examples. Auditorium exercises apply the theory on main practical importance cases, using hand-held analysis and further training on the CAD software tools within PSpice. Laboratory exercises are major part of the whole course. The students will design, implement, tune and measure a Series/Parallel Resonance LC-VCO in MHz range, mounting the discrete components on a ready PCB. Major training is provided for the basic and intermediate manual and programmed use of computer controlled: Oscilloscope, Generator, Multimeter, Power Supply and Spectrum Analyzer under VEE interface.


Sisältöalue Ydinaines Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. Operational Block diagram of modern communication transceiver. Signals in time and frequency domain. Measuring instruments. Feedback in amplifiers.     
2. Semiconductor Devices at High/RF, Depletion and diffusion capacitances, BJT, HBT, FET and MOS transistors and their Small-signal equivalent circuits. CE/CS, CC/CD and CB/CG basic amplifier stages and their comparison. Making them ¿alive¿, i.e. important basics of biasing circuits. BJT and MOS Wilson and Widlar current mirrors. Combined current sources. DC voltage references.     
3. RF-gain enhancement by inductor or by LC tank. CE and CS tuned amplifiers and their design. CB and CD tuned amplifiers and design. Stability problems in tuned amplifiers. Neutralization.     
4. Oscillator principles, Barkhausen criterion. Series resonance LC VCO: description, oscillation frequency, tuning. Colpitts oscillator: description, analysis. Hartley oscillator. Parameters of the oscillators. Basic principles of LC, RC, quartz crystal, relaxation oscillators. Series Resonance LC-VCO Theory: Active load, Common-mode feedback and DC stabilization. Cascodes: Darlington and composite transistors, CE-CB and CS-CG cascode stages. Cascode stages with active loads. Folded cascodes. Differential BJT and MOS amplifiers and behavior at RF range; CMRR and devices mismatch effects in differential amplifiers. Modifications of differential amplifiers. Frequency translation and heterodyne receivers. Simple switch used as a mixer. Bipolar and MOS mixers.     
5. RF-Power devices and RF-amplifiers in Class-A, Class-B and Class-C. Other classes with higher efficiency: D and E. Basic filter types, Butterworth and Chebyshev transfer functions. First and second order filter stages: Sallen-Key, Deliyannis-Friend and OTA filters. Operation at high frequencies. Tuned amplifiers as band-pass filters.     

Opintojakson arvostelu

1) Exercises -> 50% of the grade. 2) Exam -> 50% of the grade.


Opintojaksolla käytetään numeerista arviointiasteikkoa (1-5)


Osasuoritusten pitää liittyä samaan toteutuskertaan


Tyyppi Nimi Tekijä ISBN URL Painos,saatavuus... Tenttimateriaali Kieli
Kirja   Analysis and design of analog integrated circuits   P. R. Gray, P. J. Hurst, S. H. Lewis, R. G. Mayer   0-471-32168-0     J.Wiley&Sons, 2001, ISBN 0-471-32168-0      Englanti  
Kirja   Electronics, 2nd edition   A. R. Hambley   0-13-691982-0     Prentice Hall, 2000, ISBN 0-13-691982-0      Englanti  
Kirja   Solid State Radio Engineering   H. L. Krauss, C. W. Bostian, F. H. Raab   0-471-03018-     J. Wiley&Sons, 1980, ISBN 0-471-03018-X      Englanti  
Luentokalvot                Englanti  
Opintomoniste                Englanti  


Opintojakso P/S
TLT-8017 Basic Communication Circuits - 1 Pakollinen  

Esitietoketju (Vaatii kirjautumisen POPiin)

Tarkempia tietoja toteutuskerroittain

  Kuvaus Opetusmuodot Toteutustapa
Toteutus 1   Luennot
Lähiopetus: 0 %
Etäopetus: 0 %
Itseopiskelu: 0 %  

Viimeksi muokattu12.06.2008
MuokkaajaTapio Lehtonen