Opinto-opas 2008-2009

Perus Pori KV Jatko Avoin

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Opinto-opas 2008-2009

TLT-8507 Communication Circuits & Modules - 2, 9 op

Opintojakson vastuuhenkilö

Sami Sipilä, Nikolay Tchamov


  Luentoajat ja -paikat Kohderyhmä, jolle suositellaan
Toteutus 1

Per 4, 5 :
Torstai 13 - 16, TC173



1. Exam. 2. Attending at least 80% of the lectures. 3. Attending all exercises. 4. Developing all homeworks. 5. Completing all laboratory exercises.
Osasuoritusten pitää liittyä samaan toteutuskertaan

Opetukseen ja oppimiseen liittyvät periaatteet ja lähtökohdat



A core course that widens the theoretical and practical knowledge of an Integrated RF Circuit Designer and brings it to the demands of the M.Sc. level. Lectures deliver the theoretical analysis and specifics of major importance building blocks of RF integrated circuits. Auditorium exercises apply the theory on main importance building sub-blocks, using hand-held analysis, introduction and further training on the CAD software tools of CADENCE for RF-Design. Laboratory exercises are also an essential part of the whole course. The students will investigate in simulations and by experiments the blocks and the structure of modern Low-Noise Amplifier and 4T/1L-type LC VCO system, using RF measurement laboratory devices, such as Spectrum and Network Analyzers.


Sisältöalue Ydinaines Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. Analyzing the concepts in major types of Wireless GHz range transceivers to derive the key points for planning their monolithic CMOS implementation. Superheterodyne and homodyne receivers and their implementation problems. System specifications effect on LNA and VCO specifications.     
2. CAD models for BJT/HBT and MOS transistors at GHz range. Single and multi-transistor amplifiers.      
3. State-of-art LNAs: Parameters, analysis, optimization. Large/small-signal linearity and linearization techniques. Semi-symbolic analysis of RF Circuits: 5 GHz LNA as a case study.     
4. State-of-the-art Oscillators; LC-, RC- and Ring-oscillators. Double Cross-coupled VCO operation, features and design. Oscillator satellite blocks, such as buffers, AGC, as well bias blocks and their effect on the performance.      
5. PLL and its sub-blocks; Frequency dividers by master-slave latch and its kick-back noise. Analog multiplier and Gilbert cell. GHz-range Sample-and-Hold Amplifiers. Switching Capacitor circuits and oversampling. Noise-shaping technique.      

Opintojakson arvostelu



Opintojaksolla käytetään numeerista arviointiasteikkoa (1-5)


Osasuoritusten pitää liittyä samaan toteutuskertaan


Tyyppi Nimi Tekijä ISBN URL Painos,saatavuus... Tenttimateriaali Kieli
Kirja   Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits   Gray, Hurst, Lewis, Mayer   0-471-32168-0     4th      Englanti  
Kirja   RF Microelectronics   Razavi   0-13-887571-5          Englanti  
Luentokalvot                Englanti  


Opintojakso P/S
TLT-8207 Communication Circuits & Modules - 1 Pakollinen  

Esitietoketju (Vaatii kirjautumisen POPiin)


The course will replace TLT-8506 Communications Circuits and Modules II.

Tarkempia tietoja toteutuskerroittain

  Kuvaus Opetusmuodot Toteutustapa
Toteutus 1   Luennot
Lähiopetus: 0 %
Etäopetus: 0 %
Itseopiskelu: 0 %  

Viimeksi muokattu20.01.2009
MuokkaajaSami Sipilä