Course Catalog 2008-2009

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Course Catalog 2008-2009

TTE-3016 Product Development, 5 cr
Product Development
Implementation 1

Implementation 1

Lecture times and places:

Per 2 :
Tuesday 10 - 12, K0101B
Per 2, 3 :
Tuesday 10 - 12, K0101A


The Product Development course gives you an inside view to the basics about product development. The course includes lectures and an assignment which will be processed at exercises. NOTE: All the latest information will be at the Moodle in address:

Persons in charge:

Timo Lehtonen
Antti Pulkkinen
Asko Riitahuhta
Mikko Vanhatalo

Target groups:

3.-n. vuosikurssi
Automaatio-, kone- ja materiaalitekniikan tiedekunta
Teknis-taloudellinen tiedekunta

Assessment scale:

Numerical evaluation scale (1-5) will be used on the course