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TKT-9617 Scientific Publishing, 6 op |
Marko Hännikäinen
Luentoajat ja -paikat | Kohderyhmä, jolle suositellaan | |
Toteutus 1 |
3.-n. vuosikurssi
DI-Opiskelijat Jatko-opiskelijat |
Active participation in lectures, exercises during the course, writing of a scientific article, conference organisation duties and exercise conference presentation.
Osasuoritusten pitää liittyä samaan toteutuskertaan
Teaches the writing of high-quality scientific publications, carry out peer-reviews, give conference presentations, and use of English in scientific writing. Familiarize the complete scientific publishing process.
Sisältö | Ydinaines | Täydentävä tietämys | Erityistietämys |
1. | A scientific publication: structure, contents, written presentation. | Good scientific practice, research ethics, example papers. IEEE practices and regulations. | |
2. | Phases and tasks of the publishing process. The peer review process. Scientific Societies. | Selecting publishers, purpose and reputation of different publishers and forums. | |
3. | Oral conference presentations: preparation, materials, structuring. | Poster preparation | |
4. | Participation to a scientific conference. | Acting as a conference session chair, acting as an opponent. | |
5. | Use of English in scientific writing. | Analyzing example papers. Specific terminology. Practical hints for English writing. | |
6. | Tools: Internet, data bases, word processing tools. Use of LaTeX tools. |
Passing the course requires active participation in lectures and successful completion of the exercises.
Opintojaksolla käytetään suoritusmerkintäistä arviointiasteikkoa (hyväksytty-hylätty)
Tyyppi | Nimi | Tekijä | ISBN | URL | Painos,saatavuus... | Tenttimateriaali | Kieli |
Kirja | The Craft of Scientific Presentations | Michael Alley | 0-387-95555-0 | Englanti | |||
Kirja | The Craft of Scientific Writing | Michael Alley | 0-387-94766-3 | Englanti | |||
Luentokalvot | Lecture notes and material | Marko Hännikäinen | Englanti |
Opintojakso | Vastaa opintojaksoa | Selite |
The course includes an exercise conference, in which students write, review, and present a paper and discuss after presentations. Course is in English.
Kuvaus | Opetusmuodot | Toteutustapa | |
Toteutus 1 | The Scientific Publishing course familiarizes a student with the writing and presenting of a scientific article and the whole scientific publishing process. Concentrates on how to write high-quality publications, carry out peer-reviews, give presentations, and use of English in scientific writing. Recommended for post-graduate and undergraduate 4-5th year students targeting at doctorate degree. No earlier publishing experience required. Prepares for writing MSc thesis. | Luennot |
Lähiopetus: 80 % Etäopetus: 10 % Itseopiskelu: 10 % |