Course Catalog 2009-2010

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Course Catalog 2009-2010

BIO-1656 Environmental Effects of Pollution, 3 cr

Person responsible

Tuula Tuhkanen


  Lecture times and places Target group recommended to
Implementation 1

Periods 4 4 - 5



Exam, short paper, weekly assignments (for example a multiple choice exam, an essay or participation in discussion).
Completion parts must belong to the same implementation

Principles and baselines related to teaching and learning


Learning outcomes

To understand environmental effects of industrial and municipal emissions on ecosystems and humans.


Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. Sources of emissions. Chemical nature of contaminants. Local, regional, and global effects on the ecosystem and humans.  Toxic effects on human health. Toxic effects on environment.   
2. Partitioning of chemicals into the atmosphere, water and soil.     
3. Fate of chemicals in the environment.     
4. Biotic and abiotic degradation     

Evaluation criteria for the course

Exam, short paper, weekly assignments.

Assessment scale:

Numerical evaluation scale (1-5) will be used on the course

Partial passing:

Completion parts must belong to the same implementation

Prerequisite relations (Requires logging in to POP)

Correspondence of content

Course Corresponds course  Description 
BIO-1656 Environmental Effects of Pollution, 3 cr 5901029 Environmental Effects of Pollution, 2 cu  

Additional information

This is a distance learning internet course. Students will read provided material, answer weekly assignments, and participate in discussions in the A&O virtual learning environment. The START-UP MEETING of the course is in February 2010 (exact date to be announced later). After the first meeting the course continues as a distance learning internet course.

More precise information per implementation

  Description Methods of instruction Implementation
Implementation 1   Lectures
Seminar work
Practical works
Contact teaching: 0 %
Distance learning: 50 %
Self-directed learning: 50 %  

Last modified06.03.2009
ModifierSaila Kallioinen