Course Catalog 2009-2010

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Opinto-opas 2009-2010

Medical Informatics, 35 cr

Type of the study block

Major Studies


Jari Hyttinen

Learning outcomes

- The student understands the special features of the data and information created and managed in health care and medicine.
- The student is able to apply basic methods for processing physiological signals and for analyzing medical images, focusing on bioelectrical signals and hospital images.
- Student knows how information technologies and systems are applied in health care and medicine and how to produce eHealth services.
- The student has gained knowledge of modelling in order to study physiological systems and their measurements, and is able to construct finite element models for different medical applications.

Degrees the study block may be included in

Biomedical Engineering - International Master's Student-Biomedical Engineering


The student should have previous knowledge from the field of Information technology, Computer science, or Biomedical engineering. ( Advisable )


Compulsory courses

Course Credit points
BME-1806 Master's Seminar on Biomedical Engineering 2 cr
BME-2606 eHealth 5 cr
BME-2636 Medical Image Analysis 5 cr
LTT-4106 Processing of Physiological Signals 5 cr
LTT-5506 Biomedical Engineering Project 4-7 cr
LTT-6406 Modelling of Physiological Systems 5 cr
Total 26 cr

Supplemental courses

Please select courses from the list to complete the study block`s requirement (35)

Course Credit points
LTT-6306 Neuroinformatics 5 cr
MAT-41176 Theory of Automata 5 cr
MAT-51216 Information Theory 4 cr
MAT-51706 Bayesian Methods 6 cr
MAT-52506 Inverse Problems 6 cr
OHJ-1156 Programming II 5 cr
OHJ-1406 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 4 cr
OHJ-2016 Utilization of Data Structures 5 cr
SGN-2506 Introduction to Pattern Recognition 4 cr
SGN-2806 Neural Computation 5 cr
SGN-3016 Digital Image Processing I 5 cr
SGN-5306 Knowledge Mining 3 cr
Total 57 cr

Last modified18.05.2009
ModifierTouko Apajalahti