Course Catalog 2009-2010

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Course Catalog 2009-2010

MOL-4106 Phase Transformations and Heat Treatments of Metals, 5 cr

Person responsible

Tuomo Tiainen


  Lecture times and places Target group recommended to
Implementation 1

Periods 3 3 - 4

International Students  


Written examination on the contents of the study groups and exercises.

Principles and baselines related to teaching and learning


Learning outcomes

Basic knowledge on thermodynamics and kinetic factors controlling phase transformations in metals and alloys. Practical applications and procedures of heat treatments of metals and alloys.


Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. Thermodynamics and kinetics of phase transformations.     
2. Diffusion: mechanisms and influencing factors.      
3. Solidification, principles of nucleation and nucleus growth.     
4. Diffusional phase transformations. Precipitation: mechanisms of nucleation and nucleus growth. Practical heat treatments     
5. Diffusionless phase transfomations: massive and martensitic transformations. Bainitic transformation     

Study material

Type Name Author ISBN URL Edition, availability, ... Examination material Language
Book   Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys   D. Porter and K. Easterling            English  

Prerequisite relations (Requires logging in to POP)

Correspondence of content

Course Corresponds course  Description 
MOL-4106 Phase Transformations and Heat Treatments of Metals, 5 cr 2804010 Phase Transformations and Heat Treatments of Metals, 3 cu  

Additional information

If the number of students on the cuorse is smaller than 10, tihe course will be carried out in the form of study group.

More precise information per implementation

  Description Methods of instruction Implementation
Implementation 1        

Last modified13.03.2009
ModifierTuomo Tiainen