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SGN-3057 Digital Image Processing II, 6 op |
Vladislav Uzunov, Aram Danielyan, Karen Eguiazarian
Luentoajat ja -paikat | Kohderyhmä, jolle suositellaan | |
Toteutus 1 |
50% attendance at lectures is required. At least 30% of classroom-exercise tasks and 3 assignments.
After completing the course module, the student will be able to understand the theory behind wavelets and multiresolution processing, image segmentation and compression, object recognition, as well as advanced image representation methods. A student will be able also to use this knowledge in different practical image processing application tasks (laboratory works will help in this).
Sisältö | Ydinaines | Täydentävä tietämys | Erityistietämys |
1. | Image representation: wavelet and multiresolution, local and non-local representations | ||
2. | Image data compression: EZT, SPIHT, JPEG, JPEG2000 | ||
3. | Object recognition: statistical classifiers, neural networks, structural methods | ||
4. | Image filtering, segmentation and restoration. | ||
5. | Practical image processing tasks. |
Course grade is computed based on four units as follows: Classroom exercises, 40% of the mark. First laboratory work, 10% of the mark. Second laboratory work, 20% of the mark. Third laboratory work, 30% of the mark All four units must be passed otherwise final mark is not given. There is no exam.
Opintojaksolla käytetään numeerista arviointiasteikkoa (1-5)
Tyyppi | Nimi | Tekijä | ISBN | URL | Painos,saatavuus... | Tenttimateriaali | Kieli |
Kirja | "Digital Image Processing" | R. Gonzalez and R. Woods | 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, 2002 | Englanti | |||
Kirja | "Local Approximation Techniques in Signal and Image Processing" | V.Katkovnik, K.Egiazarian, and J.Astola | 978-0819460929 | Englanti | |||
Kirja | "The Image Processing Handbook" | John Russ | Fourth Edition, CRC Press, 2002 | Englanti | |||
Kirja | "The Transform and Data Compression Handbook" | K. Rao and P. Yip | CRC Press, 2001 | Englanti |
Opintojakso | P/S | Selite |
SGN-3010 Digitaalinen kuvankäsittely I | Pakollinen | |
SGN-3016 Digital Image Processing I | Pakollinen |
Tietoa esitietovaatimuksista
Either SGN-3010 or SGN-3016 is required.
Opintojakso | Vastaa opintojaksoa | Selite |
Kuvaus | Opetusmuodot | Toteutustapa | |
Toteutus 1 | Luennot Harjoitukset Laboratoriotyöt |
Lähiopetus: 0 % Etäopetus: 0 % Itseopiskelu: 0 % |