Course Catalog 2009-2010

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Course Catalog 2009-2010

TLT-2106 Basic Course on Networking, 5 cr

Person responsible

Piotr Mitoraj, Jakub Jakubiak, Evgeny Kucheryavy


  Lecture times and places Target group recommended to
Implementation 1

Per 1, 2 :
Monday 17 - 19, TB111



Lectures, exercise work (homework and laboratories), assignment, exam
Completion parts must belong to the same implementation

Principles and baselines related to teaching and learning


Learning outcomes

During this course you will learn about fundamentals on data and computer communications. Lectures provide an introduction to the range of topics including OSI and TCP/IP protocol suite, LAN and access networks. Moreover, the detailed information on Internet and Internet routing will be presented. The course also covers mobile networks like GSM, GPRS and UMTS.


Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. Introduction to data & computer communications; basic concepts; layered models including OSI and TCP/IP; difference     
2. Local Area Networks (LANs); standards; IEEE 802.x family; Ethernet in detail; building of Ethernet segment     
3. Notes on IP networks addressing; routing in IP networks: internal and external routing protocols; LSP and DVP types of routing protocols; IPv4/IPv6: principles, transition scenarios     
4. Transport layer protocols: UDP and TCP, applications and philosophy; TCP in detail     
5. Transmission networks: ATM, SDH; virtual LANs and LAN Emulation (LANE), access networks: WLANs, CDMA, WCDMA; mobile networks: GSM, GPRS, UMTS     

Study material

Type Name Author ISBN URL Edition, availability, ... Examination material Language
Book   Data and Computer Communications   W. Stallings       6 - 7th editions      English  


Course Mandatory/Advisable Description
OHJ-1016 Computer Literacy Advisable    

Additional information about prerequisites
The students are supposed to have basic knowledge about information technology, such as the concept of digital data, the operation of computers and the Internet.

Prerequisite relations (Requires logging in to POP)

Correspondence of content

Course Corresponds course  Description 
TLT-2106 Basic Course on Networking, 5 cr TLT-2100 Basic course on networking, 5 cr  
TLT-2106 Basic Course on Networking, 5 cr TLT-2316 Computer Networking I, 5 cr  
TLT-2106 Basic Course on Networking, 5 cr 8304500 Basic course on networking, 3 cu  

More precise information per implementation

  Description Methods of instruction Implementation
Implementation 1 During this course you will take the competence about fundamentals on data and computer communications. Lectures provide an introduction to the range of topics including OSI and TCP/IP protocol suite, LAN and access networks. Moreover, the detailed information on Internet and Internet routing will be presented. The course also covers some advanced topics. The course contains the essential knowledge on mandatory issues requested by all high-tech employers, which deal at least with research, consulting and service providing.   Lectures
Practical works
Laboratory assignments
Contact teaching: 0 %
Distance learning: 0 %
Self-directed learning: 0 %  

Last modified24.08.2009
ModifierEvgeny Kucheryavy