Opinto-opas 2009-2010

Perus Pori KV Jatko Avoin

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Opinto-opas 2009-2010

Entertainment and Media Management, 25 op

Opintokokonaisuuden tyyppi



Artur Lugmayr


- After the completion of this module the student will be able to define and discuss the functions, levels, skills and influences of Management in Media, as well as be able to identify, define and understand the different business models of different Media domains. Students should gain understanding especially in creative team processes and the innovation aspects, creative team processes, and create novel types of services in various media segments. The student will understand and be able to apply business concepts in latest media environments such as the web, games, ambient media, social media, TV, motion picture industry, and digital distribution. The student will understand the main technologies, creative team aspects, processes, and workflows of digital productions in specific media domains, as well as understand and be able to apply the learned knowledge in media industry, especially present in small and mid-sized media companies. Students are able to manage media project, understand their characteristics, and learn how to think creative.


Pakolliset opintojaksot

Opintojakso Opintopisteet
TITA-7106 Introduction to Entertainment and Media Management 4 op
TITA-7206 Business Concepts in Entertainment and Media Production 5 op
TITA-7306 Media Production Systems and Processes 5 op
Yhteensä 14 op

Vaihtoehtoiset opintojaksot

One course of the following (4cr) [courses currently not in a major]

Opintojakso Opintopisteet
TITA-2116 Managing Electronic Commerce 3 op
TITA-5107 Management information systems 4 op
TITA-5306 Information Security Management 4 op
Yhteensä 11 op

Täydentävät opintojaksot

Listasta täydennetään opintokokonaisuuden laajuuteen (25)

Opintojakso Opintopisteet
IHTE-7106 Introduction to human behaviour 5 op
MATHM-47150 Rakenteiset dokumentit 6 op
MATHM-57350 Hypermedian tuotantoprojektin hallinnan erityispiirteet 4 op
SGN-5706 Multimedia Project 5-8 op
TITA-7806 Frontiers of Entertainment and Media Management Seminar 3-8 op
Yhteensä 23 op


The minor aims at cross-disciplinary oriented students interested in shaping the future of the media landscape from a business and management perspective. Besides traditional media environments, such as TV, print, film, radio, advertising, and music, the minor is aimed at the frontiers of the today¿s media field and copes with the challenges emerging from Internet and mobile services becoming a mainstream channel for new media service products. These especially include business and management aspects of newly emerging media genres, such as social media, ambient/ubiquitous media, augmented media, digital cinema, digital games, online video and music, fully digital business eco-systems, eLearning, eBusiness, information products, media services in the age of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0, and other innovative digital media services. The minor is well suited for students aiming at management and leadership positions in entertainment, media and creative industries developing media products for TV, radio, digital games, Web 2.0/Web 3.0, advertising, eLearning, or eBusiness. The theme of the minor in 2009/2010 is ¿Design Thinking Media Service in the Age of Web 3.0¿ and emphasizes the creative development of new business opportunities for emerging media services within a multidisciplinary student team. Target Students: students with a BSc. degree, with interest in entertainment and media management

Viimeksi muokattu10.05.2010
MuokkaajaJaana Inha