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Opinto-opas 2010-2011
KEM-5050 Spektroskopia, 6 op
Nikolai Tkachenko
Solving problems during the course and passing the final examination
knowledge of principles of quantum chemistry, and fundamentals of light-matter interactions; understanding of the origin of electronic spectra of atoms and vibrational, rotational and electronic spectra of molecules;
Sisältö | Ydinaines | Täydentävä tietämys | Erityistietämys |
1. | Fundamentals of quantum mechanics. | ||
2. | Vibrational and rotations spectroscopies. | ||
3. | Electronic spectroscopy of hydrogen atom and many-electron atoms. | ||
4. | Chemical bonding and molecular structures. | ||
5. | Electronic spectroscopy and computational chemistry. |
Tyyppi | Nimi | Tekijä | ISBN | URL | Painos,saatavuus... | Tenttimateriaali | Kieli |
Kirja | Physical Chemistry | T. Engel ja P. Reid | 0-8053-3842-X | 1. painos, Benjamin cummings, 2006, luvut 12-29 | Englanti | ||
Kirja | Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy | T. Engel ja P. Reid | 0-8053-3843-8 | 1. painos, Benjamin cummings, 2006. | Englanti |
Esitietoketju (Vaatii kirjautumisen POPiin)
Opintojakso | Vastaa opintojaksoa | Selite |
The course is an introduction to quantum chemistry and spectroscopy. It is intended for graduate and post graduate students, and includes subjects from quantum mechanics basics to vibrational, rotations and electronic spectroscopies and molecular modeling.
The course is given in English, and will be delivered in autumn 2011.
Soveltuu jatko-opinnoiksi
Ei luennoida lukuvuonna 2010-2011