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Course Catalog 2010-2011
MAT-31086 Complex Analysis, 5 cr |
Person responsible
Seppo Pohjolainen
Study type | P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 | Summer | Implementations | Lecture times and places |
Two partial examinations or final examination.
Principles and baselines related to teaching and learning
Learning outcomes
After passing the course the student: - recognizes elementary functions and their properties and is able to solve equations consisting of elementary functions. - can decide when a function is analytic and knows the main features of such functions - is able to calculate complex integrals using the fundamental theorem of analysis, integral theorems, formulas and residy. - can find the Laurent's series for a given function,and knows when the series represent the original function. - can find zeros and poles of a function from its Laurent's series - can make a Laplace-transform for a given function and apply complex analysis in dealing with transformed functions. - can make logical conclusions, ie. is able to make mathematical proofs.
Content | Core content | Complementary knowledge | Specialist knowledge |
1. | Complex numbers and elementary functions. Complex plane and its topology. Complex function. | Applications | |
2. | Continuous and differentiable functions. Analytical Fuctions. Cauchy-Riemann and Laplace equations. | Applications: - Elliptic partial differential equations | |
3. | Complex Integral. The fundamental theorem of analysis. Cauchy's integral theorem, Cauchy's integral formula | Applications: | |
4. | Taylor's and Laurent's series. Residue. | Zeros of Riemann's function | |
5. | Laplace-transform. Applications to engineering problems. | Applications: - differential equations - transfer fuction |
Study material
Type | Name | Author | ISBN | URL | Edition, availability, ... | Examination material | Language |
Book | Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering | Mathews& Howell | Suomi | ||||
Book | Complex Variables and Applications | Brown&Churchill | 0-07-114065-4 | Suomi | |||
Summary of lectures | Complex functions | Seppo Pohjolainen | English |
Additional information about prerequisites
Recommended prerequisite information consists of Engineering Mathematics (19 cr) or Honors Mathematics.
Prerequisite relations (Requires logging in to POP)
Correspondence of content
Course | Corresponds course | Description |
Additional information
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Suitable for postgraduate studies
More precise information per implementation
Implementation | Description | Methods of instruction | Implementation |
Contact teaching: 0 % Distance learning: 0 % Self-directed learning: 0 % |