Course Catalog 2010-2011

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Opinto-opas 2010-2011

Materials Research, 35 cr

Type of the study block

Major Studies


Veli-Tapani Kuokkala

Learning outcomes

- After completing the study module, the student has good knowledge on the central research methods and techniques used in materials science. The student can explain the basic operating principles of these research methods and techniques and understands their applicability for the observation and analysis of the microstructures and properties of different materials. The student can work systematically and innovatively in the various fields of materials research and knows how to apply the basic principles and laws of physics, chemistry and mathematics in this work, giving him/her good skills and readiness to work successfully in various branches of industry and research.


Alternative studies

Must be selected at least 35 points of courses

Course Credit points
FYS-2106 Introduction to Surface Science 6 cr
FYS-2306 Electron Spectroscopy 5 cr
FYS-2406 Nanostructures and Elementary Surface Processes 5 cr
KEM-5157 Experimental optical spectroscopy 4 cr
MOL-1516 Mechanical Behaviour of Materials 5 cr
MOL-3116 Introduction to NDT Techniques 3 cr
MOL-3216 Thermal Analysis of Materials 5 cr
MOL-3416 Electron Microscopy 5 cr
MOL-3516 Failure Analysis 5 cr
MOL-3616 X-ray Diffraction and Transmission Electron Microscopy 7 cr
MOL-3716 Plastic Deformation and Fatigue of Metals 6 cr
MOL-8506 Special Treatise on Materials Science 3-8 cr

Last modified24.06.2010