Opinto-opas 2010-2011

Perus Pori KV Jatko Avoin

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Opinto-opas 2010-2011

KIE-9130 Kiinan kulttuuri, 3 op
Chinese Culture


Dongli Wu


Opetusmuoto P1 P2 P3 P4 Kesä Toteutuskerrat Luentoajat ja -paikat


 4 h/per
+4 h/per

KIE-9130 2010-01 Keskiviikko 10 - 12, K2115B
Torstai 8 - 10, K2115A


1) Attendance 2) PPT presentation 3) Final paper


LEARNING OUTCOMES : By the end of course the students will have achieved the following knowledge and skills: - Know about Chinese traditions, modern life and daily habits. - Know about Chinese social customs. - Know about Chinese varied ethnic cultures. - Know basics about Chinese ways of doing business


Sisältö Ydinaines Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: The course is aimed at students who want to strengthen their knowledge of Chinese culture. The course requires no previous knowledge of Chinese language or culture. The main content is about traditional Chinese festivals, Chinese social customs, Chinese dietary culture, Chinese varied ethnic cultures and Chinese etiquette in business life. We¿ll watch Chinese films and listen to classic or pop Chinese music in the class. You can know more about China.      

Opintojakson arvostelu

REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: The final grade will be consisted of three parts. Attendance, two PPT presentations, and the final paper at the end of the semester. Attendance accounts for 75% in the whole grades; two PPT presentations about Chinese culture during the semester accounts for 15% and final paper about Chinese culture accounts for 10%. The students¿ grades will be evaluated from 1 to 5 at last. 1) Attendance 2) PPT presentation This course asks for two PPT presentations about Chinese culture. Every presentation accounts for 7.5% in the whole grades. 3) the final paper The topic is about Chinese culture in which you are interested or the culture diversification between China and the other country


Opintojaksolla käytetään numeerista arviointiasteikkoa (1-5)

Esitietoketju (Vaatii kirjautumisen POPiin)


Opintojakso ei vastaan mitään toista opintojaksoa

Tarkempia tietoja toteutuskerroittain

Toteutus Kuvaus Opetusmuodot Toteutustapa
KIE-9130 2010-01 Ryhmä 1, Wu, Dongli        

Viimeksi muokattu17.11.2010