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Course Catalog 2010-2011
YHTTAY-7166 Information Visualization Project Work, 5 cr |
Person responsible
Teija Vainio
Active participation in the lectures, project work and presentation of the project work.
Learning outcomes
The course provides an in-depth introduction to selected design and evaluation methods and implementation tools for interactive information visualization applications. The methods and tools are utilized in a practical project where the students design and implement a visualization prototype. After this course, the student will be familiar with the state-of-the-art information visualization design methodology, and has the necessary skills to design, implement and evaluate information visualization applications. The student will also be familiar with current visualization application development and prototyping frameworks.
Study material
Type | Name | Author | ISBN | URL | Edition, availability, ... | Examination material | Language |
Other online content | English |
Prerequisite relations (Requires logging in to POP)
Correspondence of content
There is no equivalence with any other courses
Additional information
Kurssin vastuuhenkilö on tutkija Tomi Heimonen Tampereen yliopistosta.
Kurssi liittyy IHTE-TAUCHI-opetusyhteistyöhön, ks. http://www.cs.tut.fi/ihte/opetus/tauchi.shtml. Kurssille ilmoittautumisessa noudatetaan Tampereen yliopiston ohjeita.