Course Catalog 2011-2012

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Course Catalog 2011-2012

KIE-3377 Scientific Writing in English, 3 cr

Additional information

CEF level: C1 Mikäli opintojaksolle ilmoittautuu enemmän opiskelijoita kuin on mahdollista ottaa, karsitaan osallistujat ensisijaisesti opintopisteiden perusteella. Opintojaksolle ilmoittautuneen on oltava läsnä ensimmäisellä kerralla varmistaakseen paikkansa opintojaksolla. When a course is over-subscribed, i.e. there are more sign-ups than places on the course, then we enrol the required number of students according to the number of credit points they have. Students have to be present on the first day of the course to be sure of retaining their place.
Suitable for postgraduate studies

Person responsible

Adrian Benfield

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student will have an understanding of the organization of an academic text and will be able to recognize the main structural and stylistic aspects of written academic discourse. The student will be aware of the most important principles of the documentation of sources in academic writing. He or she will be able to produce an academic technical text in English, applying some of the basic principles and conventions of academic discourse in his or her own writing.


Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. The main organizational aspects of written academic discourse: the basic structure of a research paper; developing and presenting a thesis statement; paragraph organization; coherence.     
2. The major stylistic and structural aspects of academic language: sentence structures, parallelism, logical connectives, word choice, register, punctuation.     
3. The documentation and use of secondary sources: direct quotations, paraphrasing, referencing, bibliographies, abbreviations, plagiarism.     

Evaluation criteria for the course

Active participation, completing course assignments and a final exam.

Assessment scale:

Numerical evaluation scale (1-5) will be used on the course

Study material

Type Name Author ISBN URL Edition, availability, ... Examination material Language
Book   The Craft of Technical Writing   Alley, Michael   0-387-94766-3          English  
Book   Tiedettä englanniksi: akateemisen kirjoittamisen käsikirja   May, Eva   951-34-0093-X          English  
Other literature           Will be given in class      English  
Other online content                English  


Course Mandatory/Advisable Description
KIE-3200 Englantia tekniikan opiskelijoille Mandatory   1
KIE-3210 Englannin kielikoe Mandatory   1
KIE-3220 Englantia arkkitehdeille Mandatory   1

1 . One of these courses or the English language exam is required before taking KIE-3377.

Additional information about prerequisites
At least grade 3 is required from KIE-3200 in order to qualify for KIE-3377.

Prerequisite relations (Requires logging in to POP)

Correspondence of content

Course Corresponds course  Description 
KIE-3377 Scientific Writing in English, 3 cr KIE-3376 Technical Writing in English, 3 cr  

Last modified24.04.2012