Course Catalog 2011-2012

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Course Catalog 2011-2012

BME-4016 Introduction to Medical Biomaterials, 3 cr

Additional information

Course is only for exchange students (not for MSc degree students who should take courses BME-1157, BME-1167 and BME-1177). Course is available as a distance learning course and no lectures or exercises are provided. If you wish to do the course, you need to contact lecturer (Elina Talvitie) by email. During the course you should meet the supervisor 3-4 times. You need to finalize the course in two periods.

Person responsible

Elina Talvitie


Study type P1 P2 P3 P4 Summer Implementations Lecture times and places
Online work


 4 h/per
 30 h/per
+4 h/per
+30 h/per

BME-4016 2011-01  


Accepted assignments and written exam.
Completion parts must belong to the same implementation

Learning outcomes

Student is able to explain the main terminology and definitions in the field of medical biomaterials science. Student can classify medical biomaterials and introduce the structures and properties of medical biomaterials as well as their main clinical applications. Student can list sterilization methods and their special characteristics and present the requirements for packing medical devices as well as recognize packing types. Student is able to explain basics of tissue engineering and controlled drug delivery.


Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. Main terminology and definitions     
2. Toxicity, cytotoxicity, biocompatibility  Meaning of toxicity, cytotoxicity and biocompatibility  Testing of toxicity, cytotoxicity and biocompatibility. Standards 
3. Classification of medical biomaterials  Classification according to chemical structure and properties  Classification according to special characteristics 
4. Biomaterial groups: metals, polymers, bioceramics, composites  Properties and applications of biomaterials  Differences between material groups 
5. Sterilization and packing   Special characteristics of sterilization methods and packing  Applicability to different materials 

Evaluation criteria for the course

Grades 1-2: Learning outcomes have been achieved. Satisfactory command in core content of the course. Grades 3-4: Some learning outcomes have been exceeded qualitatively or quantitatively. Good command in core content and complementary knowledge of the course. Good or very good marks from all parts of the course. Grade 5: Most of the learning outcomes have been exceeded. Deep command in the whole content of the course. Almost maximum performance in all parts of the course.

Assessment scale:

Evaluation scale passed/failed will be used on the course

Partial passing:

Completion parts must belong to the same implementation

Study material

Type Name Author ISBN URL Edition, availability, ... Examination material Language
Lecture slides   Introduction to Medical Biomaterials         Moodle      English  
Other literature           Moodle, library,e-book      English  

Prerequisite relations (Requires logging in to POP)

Correspondence of content

Course Corresponds course  Description 
BME-4016 Introduction to Medical Biomaterials, 3 cr BIOM-1216 Introduction to Medical Biomaterials, 4 cr  

More precise information per implementation

Implementation Description Methods of instruction Implementation
BME-4016 2011-01        

Last modified15.02.2012