Course Catalog 2011-2012

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Opinto-opas 2011-2012

Wireless Communications, 25 cr

Type of the study block

Minor Studies


Markku Renfors

Learning outcomes

- The student attains capabilities to understand and analyze the key techniques of the chosen focus area (radio network planning/wireless systems/link-level signal processing) as used in today's and future communication systems.


Compulsory courses

Course Credit points Alternativity
TLT-5206 Communication Theory 5-7 cr  
TLT-5406 Digital Transmission 7 cr 1  
TLT-6106 Basic Course on Wireless Communications 5 cr  
TLT-6407 Radio Network Planning 6-9 cr 1  
Total 23 cr  

1. At least one of theses courses must be included. With TLT-6407, the prerequisite courses TLT-6206 and TLT-6306 are also needed.

Supplemental courses

Please select courses from the list to complete the study block`s requirement (25)

Course Credit points
MAT-45806 Mathematics for positioning 3 cr
TKT-1426 Digital Design for FPGA 6 cr
TKT-2536 Introduction to Satellite Positioning 5 cr
TKT-2566 Satellite Navigation Receivers 5 cr
TLT-2156 Laboratory Exercises in Computer Networking 3 cr
TLT-2316 Computer Networking I 5 cr
TLT-2336 Computer Networking II 5 cr
TLT-2616 Ad Hoc Networks 3-5 cr
TLT-2636 Wireless Networking 3-5 cr
TLT-5506 Communication Systems Laboratory Course 5-9 cr
TLT-5606 Spread Spectrum Techniques 5-7 cr
TLT-5656 Signal Processing for Mobile Positioning 5-7 cr
TLT-5706 Multicarrier Techniques 4 cr
TLT-5806 Receiver Architectures and Signal Processing 5-7 cr
TLT-6206 Radio Propagation in Wireless Networks 3 cr
TLT-6306 RF Equipment for Wireless Networks 3 cr
TLT-6507 Advanced Course on Wireless Communications 5 cr
TLT-8107 Basic Communication Circuits - 2 7 cr
TLT-8357 Communication Technologies in Battery Management 5-8 cr
TST-1206 Demola project work 5-10 cr

Additional information

The study module is intended to give a system level view to wireless communications, encompassing communication waveforms and signal processing techniques in wireless transmission links, as well as wireless system level issues like cellular radio network planning and radio resource management.

Last modified25.02.2011