Opinto-opas 2012-2013

Perus Pori KV Jatko Avoin

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Opinto-opas 2012-2013

ARK-1000 Arkkitehtuurin laitoksen vaihtuva kurssi, 1 op
School of Architecture's Varying Topics Course
ARK-1000 2012-20


Opetusmuoto Tunteja Aikaväli Luentoajat ja -paikat
2 h/vko
40 h/vko
31.07.2013 - 31.08.2013
31.07.2013 - 31.08.2013


LANDSCAPE WOVEN - DESIGN RESEARCH WORKSHOP FOR ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING STUDENTS 31.7-4.8 DESIGN RESEARCH WORKSHOP 5.8-23.8 DEVELOPING & PRODUCTION OF THE WINNER PROJECT 24.8.-26.8. CONSTRUCTION & OPENING OF THE PAVILION In Situ: Landscape Woven, is part of a continuum of In Situ -workshops organized by architects Emmi Keskisarja and Pekka Tynkkynen. The In Situ -workshops have since 2010 gathered students and specialists from a multitude of fields to work around digital design, fabrication, architectural communication and problem solving. The workshops have explored materiality with a focus in one certain material each time. The theme of the next workshop is textiles. Our aim is to facilitate a situation for intensive research by design. Textiles present a multiplicity of assets and challenges, such as their tensile properties and light weight, that will be attempted to uncover in this workshop. We will especially wander about the highly unexplored and questionable space between architecture and clothing. Through a week of experiment, innovation, intense learning and doing, the workshop will result in an architectural initiative in direct interaction with the city and the landscape. The outcome will be an example of quick and light placemaking. During the course of August 2013, we will design, manufacture and construct a functional architectural installation for Tampere’s most central greenspace, Sorsapuisto. This yet unknown architectural object will act as the physical and mental epicenter for the Tampere Architecture Week and the 5th Annual Symposium of Architectural Research in the end of August. Participants of the workshop are students of architecture, led in interaction by a group of specialists with backgrounds in architecture, engineering, fashion design and protective textile manufacturing.


Jenni Poutanen


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