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Opinto-opas 2013-2014
Industrial Management, 25 cr |
Type of the study block
Intermediate Studies
Miia Martinsuo
Learning Outcomes
- | The student understands the interplay of real process and monetary process. |
- | The student understands the interplay of the different functions in the firm and also their significance to the whole business. |
Compulsory courses
Note on the course TTA-71010 Projektinhallinta (Project Management): independent study on the material, contact the teacher. The exercise groups are mandatory, and they are given in English. The exam is given in English.
Course | Credit points | Class |
TTA-11016 Basics of Industrial Management | 4 cr | IV |
TTA-21016 Organisations and Leadership | 4 cr | IV |
TTA-62026 Technology in Society | 4 cr | IV |
TTA-71010 Project Management | 4 cr | IV |
Total | 16 cr |
Complementary Courses
The minor should be complemented to the minimum of 25 credits with other courses offered in English by the department of Industrial Management.
Additional information
Contact person: Educational Coordinator at the Faculty, room: FA108A, email: interiem@tut.fi. This minor is meant for the students of the international master's degree programmes other than Business and Technology. Doctoral students wishing to study a minor in Industrial Management for the doctorate degree, please contact the faculty's academic coordinator of doctoral programmes.
Only intended as a minor