Course Catalog 2013-2014

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Course Catalog 2013-2014

KIE-32006 Spoken Communication in English, 3 cr
Spoken Communication in English
KIE-32006 2013-10


Study type P1 P2 P3 P4 Summer Lecture times and places


 2 h/week
 2 h/week
+2 h/week
+2 h/week

Monday 16 - 18, K2120
Thursday 16 - 18, K2120


Group 10: This group is intended for students who are about to graduate and need this course for their compulsory studies.

Person responsible:

Raija Keni

Target groups:

Tekniikan kandidaattiopiskelijat

Assessment scale:

Numerical evaluation scale (1-5) will be used on the course

Additional information of course implementation:

PLEASE NOTE! In this special group, selection of students is made on the basis of credits recorded at the time when sign-up closes. For this reason, you may have a place in the group even if the system shows that you are on the waiting list and vice-versa. The group is formed during the first session, and to ensure your place in the group you are expected to be present punctually at the start of the session.