Opinto-opas 2013-2014
Industrial Biotechnology, 26 op |
Opintokokonaisuuden tyyppi
Syventävät opinnot
Matti Karp
- | The student achieves a good knowledge of industrial biotechnology and how to improve microbial cell factories by metabolic engineering and synthetic biology. |
- | The student is capable of undertaking post-graduate studies and studying molecular biotechnology. |
- | The student will attain eligibility for working assignments in the field of design, inspection and development. |
- | The student has readiness to participate in the multidisciplinary discussions and cooperations in the field of biotechnology. |
Pakolliset opintojaksot
KEB-23726 kurssi on ensisijaisesti tarkoitettu biotekniikan opintosuunnan opiskelijoille
Opintojakso | Opintopisteet | Vuosikurssi |
KEB-23406 Metabolic Engineering | 4 op | V |
KEB-23726 Laboratory Course on Industrial Biotechnology | 4 op | V |
KEB-23736 Industrial and Molecular Biotechnology | 8 op | IV |
KEB-23796 Synthetic Biology: Design of a New Device | 2 op | V |
KEB-63250 Teollinen orgaaninen kemia | 3 op | IV |
Yhteensä | 21 op |
Täydentävät opintojaksot
Opintojakso | Opintopisteet |
KEB-23426 Nanobiotechnologies | 4 op |
KEB-23786 Pilot Project in Biotechnology | 5 op |
KEB-26100 Biotekniikan erikoistyö | 2-8 op |
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