Course Catalog 2014-2015

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

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Course Catalog 2014-2015

RAK-59126 Management in International Construction Business, 6 cr

Additional information

Suitable for postgraduate studies

Person responsible

Pekka Huovinen


The focus of this course is on a student’s learning about the managing of IB and ICB issues. Nevertheless, a student is learning about relevant aspects of leading people and managing stakeholder relationships, too. In addition, a high-performing student or team (a) can combine many schools, multiple generic BM, applied IB management, and contextual ICB management concepts into a theoretically sound ICB management concept, (b) can incorporate into such a concept many contextual elements that are necessary for success in a focal ICB type and within targeted market types as well as (c) can tailor or adjust such a concept to a focal firm and its ICB unit.
Completion parts must belong to the same implementation

Learning Outcomes

After having passed this course, a student (i) knows three spheres of theoretical knowledge on generic business management (BM), international business (IB) management and applied, contextual international construction business (ICB) management, (ii) knows the fundamentals of eight schools of thought on generic BM, (iii) knows three sub-populations of BM, IB, and ICB management concepts, (iv) knows ICB types based on capital (including construction and real estate) investment markets, (v) can choose, analyse, reflect, and synthesise scientific BM, IB, and ICB management knowledge, published within eligible references (e.g. articles, papers, book excerpts), for finding viable solutions for relevant focused questions, ((vi) can choose and apply BM, IB and ICB management concepts to a focal ICB type embedded within targeted markets and (vii) can assume roles and perform tasks within ICB planning and management during her or his career path with respective companies. In addition, a high-performing student or team (a) can combine many schools, multiple generic BM, applied IB management, and contextual ICB management concepts into a theoretically sound ICB management concept, (b) can incorporate into such a concept many contextual elements that are necessary for success in a focal ICB type and within targeted market types as well as (c) can tailor or adjust such a concept to a focal firm and its ICB unit.


Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. Business management (BM): Generic knowledge, definitions, scope, debates, and foundation-al concepts (published 1990-2002). International business (IB) management: Applied, not-construction-related contextual knowledge and exemplary concepts (published 1990-2014). International construction business (ICB) management: Applied, contextual knowledge and selected concepts (published 1990-2014).   Business planning: Debates, approaches, scope, elements, and processes.   No 
2. Design of generic, applied, and contextual concepts (or models or frameworks): Design and modelling approaches with exemplary concepts without and with contexts within construction.   In-depth knowledge about one selected approach to concept design or modelling: Approach X (may be different in each academic year).   No 
3. 8 schools of thought on generic business management (BM), including applied international business (IB) management: Assumptions, core content, and exemplary BM & IB management concepts of: 1st Porterian school, 2nd resource-based school, 3rd competence-based school, 4th knowledge-based school, 5th organization-based school, 6th process-based school, 7th dynamism-based school, and 8th evolutionary school. IB types and management in capital (incl. construction) investment markets:Contracting, design & engineering, real estate, life-cycle services, machinery and building systems & products business types, key challenges and selected ICB management concepts. IB management practices: Selected leading companies outside and inside construction.   In-depth knowledge about one selected BM school: School Y (may be different in each academic year). In-depth knowledge about one ICB business type: ICB Z (may be different in each academic year).   No 

Study material

Type Name Author ISBN URL Edition, availability, ... Examination material Language
Book   A theory of organizational knowledge creation   Nonaka I., Toyama R. and Byosiere P. (2001)       Ch. 22 in Dierkes M. et al., Eds, Handbook of organizational learning and knowledge. Oxford University Press, pp. 491-517.   No    English  
Book   Managing across borders. The transnational solution   Bartlett C. A. and Ghoshal S. (1998, 2002)       Ch 4. Century Business. pp. 57-71.   No    English  
Book   Strategic management and competitive advantage – Concepts and cases.   Barney J. B. and Hesterly, W. S., (2008)   0-13-154274-5     Pearson International Education/Prentice Hall, 2nd ed., pp. 4-5, 10-14, 74-107.   Yes    English  
Book   The evolving field of OLKM   Easterby-Smith, M. and Lyles, M. A. (2011)       Ch. 1 in Easterby-Smith, M. and Lyles, M.A., eds, Handbook of organizational learning & knowledge management. 2nd ed. Wiley, pp. 1-16.   No    English  
Book   The new strategic management. Organization, competition, and competence   Sanchez R. and Heene A.   0-471-89953-4     Wiley, 2004, Chapters 1 and 3-5.   Yes    English  
Book   Toward a dynamic theory of strategy   Porter, M. E. (1994)   0-87584-645-9     In Rumelt R., Schendel, D., Teece D. (eds), Fundamental issues in strategy. Harvard Business School Press. Pages 423-461   Yes    English  
Journal   A solution business model: Capabilities and management practices for integrated solutions   Storbacka K.       Industrial Marketing Management, 2011, Vol. 40, pp. 699-711.   Yes    English  
Journal   Business models in project business   Wikström K., Artto K., Kujala J. and Söderlund J.       International Journal of Project Management, 2010, Vol. 28, pp. 832-841.   Yes    English  
Journal   Corporate property strategy is integral to corporate business strategy   Roulac S. E. (2001)       Journal of Real Estate Research, Vol. 22, Nos. 1/2, pp. 129-152   No    English  
Journal   Dynamic capabilities and strategic management   Teece D. J., Pisano G. and Shuen A. (1997)       Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 18, no. 7, 509-533.   No    English  
Journal   Dynamic capabilities at IBM: Driving strategy into action   Harreld J. B., O’Reilly III C. A., and Tushman M. L.       California Management Review, 2007, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 21-43.   Yes    English  
Journal   Exploring the contribution of management innovation to the evolution of dynamic capabilities   Gebauer H. (2011)       Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 40, pp. 1238-1250.   No    English  
Journal   Harnessing your staff's informal networks   McDermott R. and Archibald D. (2010)       Harvard Business Review, Vol. 88, March, pp. 83-89.   No    English  
Journal   Managing the process-centred enterprise.   Hatten K. J. and Rosenthal S. R.       Long Range Planning, 1999, Vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 293-310.   Yes    English  
Journal   Quantum strategy at Apple Inc   Heracleous L. (2013)       Organizational Dynamics, Vol. 42, pp. 92-99   No    English  
Journal   Strategic agility in MNEs   Fourne S. P. L., Jansen J. J. P. and Mom T. J. M. (2014)       California Management Review, Vol. 56, Spring, pp. 13-38.   No    English  
Journal   System supplier’s customer strategy   Helander A. and Möller K.       Industrial Marketing Management, 2007, Vol. 36, pp. 719-730.      Yes    English  
Journal   Systems sales as a competitive response to the Asian challenge: Case of a global ship power supplier   Salonen A., gabrielsson M. and Al-Obaidi Z.       Industrial Marketing Management, 2006, Vol. 35, pp. 740-750.   Yes    English  
Journal   The Uppsala internationalization process model revisited   Johanson J. and Vahlne J.-E. (2009)       Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 40, pp. 1411-1431.   No    English  
Journal   The core competence of the corporation   Prahalad C. K. and Hamel G. (1990)       Harvard Business Review, 1990, Vol. 68 (May-June), pp. 79-91.     Yes    English  
Journal   The core competencies of effective project execution: The challenge of diversity   Lampel j.       Inter-national  Journal of Project Management, 2001, Vol. 19, pp. 471-483.   Yes    English  
Journal   The future of resource-based theory: Revitalization or decline?   Barney J. B., Ketchen Jr. D.J. and Wright M. (2011)       Journal of Management, Vol. 37, No. 5, 1299-1315.   No    English  
Journal   The internationalization process of the firm - A model of knowledge   Johanson J. and Vahlne J.-E. (1977)       Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 8, Spring, pp. 23-32.   No    English  
Journal   The quest of resilience   Hamel G. and Välikangas l. (2003)       Harvard Business Review, Vol. 82, September, pp. 52-63   No    English  
Journal   Understanding competence-based management: Identifying and managing five modes of competence   Sanchez R.       Journal of Business Research, 2004, Vol. 57, pp. 518-532.   Yes    English  
Journal             No    English  
Other literature   Advancing IB ideation: A review of competence-related management concepts published between 1990-2012   Huovinen P. (2013)       In Larimo J., et al., eds., Proceedings of 12th Vaasa Conference on IB. U. of Vaasa. 21-23 August. pp. 1-25.    Yes    English  
Other literature   Built to become - corporate longevity and strategic leadership   Burgelman R. (2014)       Stanford University, Working Paper Series, # 3115, pp. 1-40   No    English  
Other literature   Platform for advancing research in competence-based BM: A population of 84 concepts published between 1990-2002.   Huovinen P. (2008)       Research in Competence-Based Management, Vol. 4, pp. 175-218.    Yes    English  
Other literature   Service innovation myopia? A new recipe for client-provider value creation.   Möller K., Rajala R. and Westerlund M.       California Management Review, 2008, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 31-48.   Yes    English  
Other literature   The building system as a strategic asset in industrialized construction   Johnsson H. (2011)       In Haugbolle K. et al., Eds, Proceedings of the 6th CREON Conference. Aalborg, Denmark. pp. 541-552.   No    English  
Other online content   Theoretical 71-concept platform for advancing construction-related BM   Huovinen P. (2014)       Paper to be presented at the 8th Nordic Conference on CEO2015, Tampere, 27-29 May 2015   No    English  

Additional information about prerequisites
RAK-53116 ICB or RAK-53.117 Contexts in ICB are recommended as the introductory phase.

Prerequisite relations (Requires logging in to POP)

Correspondence of content

There is no equivalence with any other courses


RAK-59126 Grading criteria.pdf RAK-59126 Final study materials.pdf

Last modified03.02.2015