Opinto-opas 2014-2015

Perus Pori KV Jatko Avoin

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Opinto-opas 2014-2015

ROCK-99900 Testikurssi, 0-10 op
Test Course


Edite Areias Figueiras, Toni Heittola, Jaana Kunnari, Joonas Tulonen


Opetusmuoto P1 P2 P3 P4 Kesä Toteutuskerrat Luentoajat ja -paikat
            ROCK-99900 2014-01  


Opintojakso P/S Selite
ROCK-1 Kaiku testi 1 Suositeltava    

Esitietoketju (Vaatii kirjautumisen POPiin)


Opintojakso ei vastaan mitään toista opintojaksoa

Tarkempia tietoja toteutuskerroittain

Toteutus Kuvaus Opetusmuodot Toteutustapa
ROCK-99900 2014-01 Student completes the course at their own pace keeping in mind, however, the deadline set by the Faculty Council for the completion of the course in conjunction with processing the post-graduate study application. The course enrolment is continuously open in the POP system. Students can sign- up and start the course anytime. The contact lectures are given on periods 2-3. Depending on the point of applying for the doctoral studies, students can choose if they prefer to attend the lectures, view them online or combine these two options. Beyond the lecture periods, students can only view the recorded lectures from the POP.        

Viimeksi muokattu10.06.2015