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Course Catalog 2014-2015
RAK-53117 Contexts in International Construction Business, 4 cr |
Person responsible
Pekka Huovinen
Study type | P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 | Summer | Implementations | Lecture times and places |
The completion of this course consists of (a) attending joint introductory lectures, (b) preparing the student-specific reviews of applied knowledge about ICB and its advancement as well as (c) making the team-specific or student-specific web-based briefs of empirical information about focal units’ status and development in primary contexts within capital investment markets. No examination is required. All three parts must be passed during the same academic year.
Completion parts must belong to the same implementation
Learning Outcomes
After having passed this course, a student can (i) direct her or his career path towards international construction business (ICB), (ii) make sense about contextual wholes and their parts in terms of capital investment markets, including also construction, real estate and project-based markets across the globe, (iii) conduct a review of applied knowledge about ICB as causally interrelated systems and (iv) conduct a web-based brief of empirical information about ICB as multiple embedded contexts. A student may choose from among alternative units of reviewing and briefing as types of markets (continents, regions, countries, sectors, etc.), competition (as competitive arenas), competitiveness (at regional, national and company levels), companies and businesses. In addition, high-performing students can insightfully foresee potential areas for advancing applied ICB knowledge as well as they can critically reflect on context-specific challenges and problems within ICB from focal stakeholders’ view and innovatively craft applicable development strategies and solutions for such contexts. In other words, no single view, country of origin (e.g. Finland), market, etc. is given or prioritised.
Content | Core content | Complementary knowledge | Specialist knowledge |
1. | Global capital investment markets (CIMs): Definitions, contexts, sectors, principal features and statistics about (inter)national developments between 2000-2013. CIMs include also construction, real estate and project-based industrial markets. | Selected scenarions on alternative future developments of focal international and sectoral construction markets | |
2. | International trade and international CIMs-based businesses: Definitions, roles, business scope groups, top companies, challenges and key success factors | Selected scenarios and forecasts on international business-specific developments | |
3. | International competition, procurement, and marketing in construction markets: definitions, technological developments, 3 logics, 8 competitive arenas and 19 routes as well as contextual information about ethical and murky ICB practices International company management in CIMs: Definitions, 5 areas, principles and exemplary companies' practices in management (of issues) and leading (of people) | Policies and strategies of selected international associations (OECD, EC, FIDIC, etc.) Development of a company's international competitiveness in CIMs |
Instructions for students on how to achieve the learning outcomes
The criteria for assessing (a) applied ICB knowledge reviews and (b) empirical, web-based ICB information briefs are to be found as Annex to these course pages.
Assessment scale:
Numerical evaluation scale (1-5) will be used on the course
Partial passing:
Study material
Type | Name | Author | ISBN | URL | Edition, availability, ... | Examination material | Language |
Other literature | A framework for designing an international competitive strategy in the case of technology-intensive contractors | Pekka Huovinen | In Preece C. N., ed., Proceedings of the academic track, 2nd International Construction Marketing Conference. Watford, UK, 19-20 Sep 2001. University of Leeds, UK. CD-Rom. pp. 68-75. | No | English | ||
Other literature | Advancement of sustainable development, contracting, design, and supply businesses vis-a-vis construction markets. | Pekka Huovinen | In Wamelink, H., Geraedts, R., and Volker, L., eds., Proceedings of the MISBE2011 – Int’l Conference on Management and Innovation for a Sustainable Built Environment. CIB, Delft University of Technology, AESOP, ENHR. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 20-23 June 2011. pp. 1-15. | No | English | ||
Other literature | Competitiveness in construction: a critical review of research | Roger Flanagan, Weisheng Lu, Liyin Shen and Carol Jewell | Construction Management and Economics, vol. 25, 2007, 1989-1000. | No | English | ||
Other literature | Managing a firm’s competitiveness in global capital investment markets. | Pekka Huovinen | In Uwakweh B. and Minkarah I. A., eds., Proceedings of 10th Int’l Symposium of CIB W65 & W55 et al. on Construction Innovation and Global Competitiveness. University of Cincinnati and CIB. 9-13 Sep 2002. CRC Press, pp. 330-344. | No | English | ||
Other literature | Market strategies and core capabilities in the building industry | Job de Haan, Hans Voordijk and Geert-Jan Joosten | Construction Management and Economics, vol. 20, 2002, 109-118. | No | English | ||
Other literature | Recursive management of a dynamic business in global capital-investment markets. | Pekka Huovinen | In Kähkönen, K. and Porkka, J., eds., Global perspectives on management and economics in the AEC sector. Proceedings of 11th Joint CIB Int’l Symposium on Combining forces – Advancing facilities management and construction through innovation. VTT, RIL, and CIB. Helsinki. 13-16 June 2005, pp. 142-153. | No | English | ||
Other literature | The synergy between business and global drivers in futures planning for construction enterprises | Roger Flanagan | In Kähkönen K. and Porkka J., eds., Global perspectives on Management and Economics in the AEC Sector. Proceedings of 11th Joint CIB Int'l Symposium on Combining Forces. VTT, RIL and CIB. Helsinki. 13-16 June 2005. pp. 1-15 | No | English | ||
Other literature | Who needs to know what? Institutional knowledge and global projects. | Amy N. Javernick-Will and W. Richard Scott | Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol. 136, 2010, No. 5, 546-556. | No | English |
Prerequisite relations (Requires logging in to POP)
Correspondence of content
Course | Corresponds course | Description |
More precise information per implementation
Implementation | Description | Methods of instruction | Implementation |
RAK-53117 ICB Contexts Grading criteria.pdf RAK-53117 ICB Contexts Study Materials.pdf