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Course Catalog 2014-2015
TST-01606 Demola Project Work, 5-10 cr |
Additional information
Notes to Finnish students:
* Huomaaa, että muissa tiedekunnissa on myös Demola-kursseja, joten varmista, että ilmoittaudut oikealle kurssille
* Kurssille osallistumisen edellytyksenä on valinta projektiin Demolassa (ks. www.demola.fi)
* Demolaan ja kurssille ilmoittaudutaan (POP) erikseen
* Ennen kurssin aloittamista, ota yhteyttä pääainetta edustavan laitoksen vastuuopettajaan (ks. luettelo alla.)
* Opintojakson vastaavuustietoja on sivun Materiaalit-osiossa olevassa dokumentissa
International students:
* Please note that other faculties have Demola courses too, so see that you have selected the correct course for you
* Also check that you can include this course in your studies so that you get the credits
* In order to participate on the course, you need to apply and be selected to a Demola project (in www.demola.fi)
* You sign in separately to Demola (www.demola.fi), and to the course (TUT POP system)
* Before signing to TST-01606 please contact Susanna Ketola (room TD211, email: susanna.ketola@tut.fi) and after that, your assigned teacher (one of the list below).
The teachers at the departments are:
* Pervasive Computing (Software Systems): lecturer Tero Ahtee, tero.ahtee@tut.fi, professor Kari Systä, kari.systa@tut.fi and Essi Isohanni, essi.isohanni@tut.fi
* Pervasive Computing (Computer Systems): professor Marko Hännikäinen marko.hannikainen@tut.fi, marko.hannikainen@tut.fi
* Signal Processing: university lecturer Sari Peltonen, sari.peltonen@tut.fi
* Electrical Engineering: professor Pekka Verho, pekka.verho@tut.fi
* Department of Electronics and communications engineering: professor Lauri Sydänheimo, lauri.sydanheimo@tut.fi
The course is only intended for degree students
Person responsible
Hannu-Matti Järvinen, Sari Peltonen, Tero Ahtee, Marko Hännikäinen, Pirjo Kuhanen, Lauri Sydänheimo, Pekka Verho, Thomas Olsson, Mikko Valkama, Susanna Ketola, Essi Isohanni, Kari Systä
Study type | P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 | Summer | Implementations | Lecture times and places |
Accepted project work and demo or prototype. Working time reports, project plan, weekly blog. Accepted written project end report including other needed documentation and reporting and oral presentation. Acceptable team work and adherence to Demola process. Feedback survey is mandatory. Detailed definition will be done annually. Further information about the projects at http://www.demola.fi/academy
Learning Outcomes
After the course, the student is able to participate in a professional role in a team that creates a demo or a prototype of a product, service or other innovation, using agile development practices, design and product research methods. Team working skills are especially emphasised as the course comprises of an assignment carried out by a group of students having different backgrounds and skill sets. By writing a project report the student will learn to summarize, rationalise and explain the findings and ideas developed during the project. Oral presentation skills will also be learned as the students present and explain their findings in a project presentation.
Instructions for students on how to achieve the learning outcomes
Evaluation scale passed/failed will be used on the course.
Assessment scale:
Evaluation scale passed/failed will be used on the course
Course | Mandatory/Advisable | Description |
TIE-21106 Software Engineering Methodology | Mandatory |
Additional information about prerequisites
Software Engineering Methodology is compulsory prerequisite course for those who have their major studies at Department of Pervasive Computing.
It is required that before starting the project work necessary prerequisite theoretical knowledge on the topic has been acquired. The course is recommended for the master level students.
Students must have their Bachelor studies completed before attending TST-01606.
Prerequisite relations (Requires logging in to POP)
Correspondence of content
Course | Corresponds course | Description |
More precise information per implementation
Implementation | Description | Methods of instruction | Implementation |