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Archived Curricula Guide 2012–2015
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Degree Programme in Theatre Arts
The very name of the degree programme stresses the perception of theatre art as a part of artistic co-operation. The studies enable students to study to become actors with their own chosen emphases. The studies and the productions mounted during them serve to bring together movement and dance, voice and speech, music and singing. Movement and dance: The aim is to discover one's own body for holistic expression and role work. Therefore basic anatomy and bodily care are taught. Teaching also includes an introduction to various dance techniques, acrobatics, tai-chi, fencing, stage fights, mime, improvisation and pilates. Voice and speech: On the one hand, the voice is one of the actor's most important tools and on the other a major part of the body image and the experience of corporeal presence on stage. The task of voice training is to help students to conceive of those characteristics of the voice, provide means to train speech, voice hygiene and the use of the voice and speech in role work. Music and singing: Music is taught mostly through singing. The purpose is to create for each student a versatile and resilient voice, a tool which supports the actor's natural transition from speech to song and vice versa. The means of movement, speech and stagecraft are present in singing lessons, as music encourages students to use the body and states of emotion. Stage work: Stage work enables students to use their bodies and imaginations in a stage-like manner; offer means to become expressive performers. Through a variety of cross connections a personal, dynamic rehearsal culture is created and the sense of performance sharpened. Thus the education opens up simultaneously in several directions, and impulses from various quarters meet in the student. Film work: The objective in studies for film acting is to create for the student an understanding of acting based on camera expressions and the subfactors contributing to this. It is also helpful for work in the theatre and other media.

Learning Outcomes

Actor's training strives to create the preconditions to grow into an independent co-operative artist and to impart the skills for actor's work in the theatre, in film and other media and to steer the student towards further professional development.

School of Communication, Media and Theatre