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Archived Curricula Guide 2012–2015
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Degree Programme in Educational Studies

At the School of Education of the University of Tampere, students with their various objectives and interests have the option of acquiring a wide education in order to understand the world widely and serve actively as education professionals. The academic community benefits from plurality and from the fresh perspectives of students. There are three subjects for which applications may be made to study in the School:

  • early childhood education
  • class teacher
  • lifelong learning and education.

Students will be granted the right to study for the Bachelor's and the Master's degree in education. The Degree Programme in Educational Studies comprises a common Bachelor's programme and Master's studies in education and social research.

In Master's studies there are three specialization options, from which students will select one of the following:

  • education and society
  • education and pedagogy
  • education and communication.

Those graduating from early childhood education find placements as kindergarten teachers, pre-school teachers, directors of daycare centres or development tasks in the field.

Those graduating from class teacher education acquire the competence required to serve as class teachers and, depending on the elective subjects they have studied, to serve as subject teachers at the basic level.

Those graduating from lifelong learning and education navigate towards research, education administration and planning and tasks in adult education. There is a need for expertise in education not only in education but also in the fields of trade and industry and in social and health care. Finland's success in international comparisons has increased interest in international issues in education, education policy and multiculturalism.

Working life requires a readiness for change and updating one's knowledge and skills in keeping with lifelong learning. Such considerations make training in education sciences ever more necessary.

The employment prospects in the field of education are good.

Education and society: Specialization in Social and Societal Contexts of Education offers tools to interpret the international operating environments of education and training. The objective is that students strengthen their expert identities with an eye to exerting influence in society. These studies prepares students for a variety of tasks in teaching, training, research and expertise requiring knowledge of the structures governing education and training, critical capability for action and the ability to comprehend entities.

Education and pedagogy: Specialization in Pedagogical Contexts in Education focuses on the development of multidisciplinary pedagogical expertise. This option will strengthen the educator identity in which it is crucial to acquire and exploit an exploratory approach in the field of education and teaching. Students on this option will be able to interpret and respond to the demand in society for pedagogical expertise and challenges. They will be capable of tackling increasingly complex interaction situations in educating and teaching work, of identifying and developing their own educational and pedagogical strengths and limitations and leading and developing work organizations together with others.

Education and communication: Specialization in Cultural and Media Contexts in Education is appropriate for those interested in media education and visual culture. It imparts the capability to critically interpret and analyse various media and visual culture. The focus in studies is on media and visual expression - experimental and experiential. These studies also offer those accepted for training as class teachers through a separate application process the opportunity to acquire the competence required of a subject teacher. Changes in society and its operating environment have an immediate effect on the values and structures of education. There is a constant demand for experts in education on the job markets in both the public and private sectors. Pedagogical eligibility opens up a variety of avenues apart from traditional education and teaching tasks. On the other hand professionals in a variety of fields are required to possess the flexibility for change, pedagogical renewal and knowhow in keeping with the principles of lifelong learning.

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the School of Education are experts with a wide field of expertise.  The studies confer eligibility for teaching and training positions. They impart the competence to grow into critically aware individuals who understand the world and education, into directors and supporters of learning, into experts, who together with others are able to develop and change the world of education.

Teachers, early education teachers and experts having completed a Master's degree in education

  • comprehend widely the societal and global conditions for learning and education
  • are aware of their importance as educators, individuals with influence in society and wielders of pedagogical power
  • are capable of making justified ethical choices in their professional roles
  • are capable of reasoned discussion on education and education policy and able if necessary to defend their educational values
  • develop their work through research in multicultural environments


Tampere University is committed to promoting justice and equality in society, to enhancing the well-being of citizens at home and abroad, and to advancing multiculturalism and sustainable development.

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