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Archived Curricula Guide 2010–2011
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Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Mailing address:
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
FI-33014 University of Tampere, Finland

Visiting address:
Kanslerinrinne 1, Pinni B building, Floor 0

Tel.     +358-3-3551 6321
Fax     +358-3-3551 6157

Departmental Advisers:
Mr. Jarmo Niemelä (Mathematics)
Tel. +358-3-3551 6290
Email jarmo.niemela (at) uta.fi

Mr. Jyrki Ollikainen (Statistics)
Tel. +358-3-3551 6426
Email jyrki.ollikainen (at) uta.fi


All study modules in mathematics are lectured, and the students should reserve sufficiently time for every study module. An essential part of the study modules consists of exercises. The mastery of exercises and other problems is a fundamental ability which can be acquired solely through independent work. Practice and exercises help to illustrate many theories and develop patterns of mathematical thought, which is the ultimate objective of the studies.

Students must find the way of studying that is most suitable for them. Students should make sure they understand the points discussed in the lectures and if anything seems particularly difficult, extra effort should be made to resolve the difficulties. The use of literature always contributes to the studies.

The exams in study modules can be taken on general examination days (check the bulletin board or the web). Registration for exams must be done no later than seven days before the finals. Other finals than those mentioned on the bulletin board may be taken only by an early agreement.

Recommended minor subjects are philosophy, economics, education, computer science, statistics, business administration (e.g. accounting and finance), insurance, physics and chemistry.

General note: Courses are lectured in Finnish. However, this fact does not exclude or restrict the possibilities to take the exams in English. Comparable literature is always easily found in English. For further information, please contact the Departmental Adviser.


The University of Tampere offers statistics as a major subject for the Bachelor and Master of Science degree and for the postgraduate degrees of Licentiate and Doctor of Philosophy. Students can select statistics as their major subject in the degree programmes in mathematics and statistics.

Studies generally consist of lectures and practical teaching. Study blocks may include practical exercises involving the solution of an empirical statistical problem and reporting of results. There are generally interim and final tests on these study blocks, while other studies can be completed only by doing the practical exercise.

In the study of statistics practical application is of particular importance and studies include an entity on applications. Good examples of this are biometrics and epidemiology, national economics, insurance, business economics, sociology, regional science, municipal science and psychology. The application may also be data processing, in which case the student can include a considerable number of courses in data processing in the minimum number of credits required for a degree.

In the study of statistics using the computer and studies in data processing are very important. The rapid pace of development in computer science and programming has had a decisive effect on the increase in the popularity of statistics. Computers are used not only in the analysis of empirical observational data but also as an illustrative tool in studies in theoretical statistics. In many cases solving the problem entails the creation of an individual programme. In the basic studies in statistics undemanding statistical programmes are used which do not require any previous studies in data processing.

Intermediate and advanced studies in statistics also include studies in mathematics. Mathematics study modules which are part of the degree programmes in statistics are towards the beginning of the studies.

On general questions related to the study of statistics advice is given by the Academic Assistant and Professor in Statistics. Information on teaching and on statistics in general is also available at www.uta.fi/laitokset/mattiet/tilasto/english.php.

In the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Tampere, it is possible to complete the following degrees with statistics as the major subject:

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
(Luonnontieteiden kandidaatin tutkinto (LuK), kandidat i naturvetenskaper (NaK))
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
(Filosofian maisterin tutkinto (FM), filosofie magister (FM)

As postgraduate degrees, the degrees of licentiate and doctor may be taken.

General Information on Statistics and Studying Statistics

Statistical methods are applied in all the areas of research, technology and decision making which are based on systematically collected empirical data. Traditional application areas include economic and social sciences, insurance science, biology, psychology and forestry. The rapidly developing field of biometrics has evolved around applications of statistics in medicine and health sciences. For instance the research and applications of scientific computation, pattern recognition, data mining and neural networks are closely connected to computer science. It is possible for a major subject student of statistics to specialise in any of the above mentioned fields.

The duties of a statistician include the quantitative description of phenomena under consideration as well as modelling the structure of these phenomena. With the help of a model, it is possible for example to test hypotheses on a phenomenon, make predictions or summarise the knowledge available on the phenomenon. The theory of statistical models is based on probability but in data-analysis, which is an integral part of statistical research, graphics and visualisation based on supercomputing are used to illustrate data and to study the validity of models. One of the preconditions for the development of society is the ability to understand and convey quantitative data. Statistics teaches this quantitative literacy and equips students for analysing masses of data. Almost all university level studies include some statistics. More profound knowledge of statistics is needed in many areas of society and research. Further information on issues related to statistics is available in Finnish in the natural sciences portal at http://www.luonnontieteet.fi/.

Job Description of a Statistician

The diversity of the applications of statistics and the vast use of statistical methods have guaranteed good employment prospects for graduates of statistics. The decision concerning which field of science to specialise in may prove to be a significant career choice for a statistician. Statisticians work for example in the field of information technology,  pharmaceutical industry, public management, research institutes, institutions of higher education as teachers and researchers, insurance companies, banks, industry and in private companies in various fields.

Department of Mathematics and Statistics