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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2016–2017
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
HEAAE05 Gender and wellbeing- global perspectives 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Master's Degree Programme in Health Sciences
School of Health Sciences

Learning outcomes

After the successful completion of the course, the students are

- Able to apply human rights approach to gender issues

- Aware of major issues of demography, sexuality and use of force related to genders

- Able to analyse social determinants of gender and wellbeing (e.g. poverty and education)

- Knows various issues and contexts in which culture links to gender

- Understands main determinants and global epidemiology of women´s Health

- Able to analyse practices to enhance gender-related wellbeing

General description

  • Concepts of sex, gender and gender-research
  • Contextual and cultural variation in gender roles
  • Human rights and gender
  • Global targets for and progress in achieving equality between women and men
  • Regional imbalances in sex ratio at birth or mortality at different ages
  • Special wellbeing needs among girls and women
  • Global epidemiology and determinants of fertility and infertility
  • Global perspective to family planning, contraception, abortion, and infertility treatment
  • Causes, consequences  and prevention of maternal mortality
  • HIV- not a conquered problem.
  • Women and men as targets of domestic or sexual violence
  • Major international initiatives to improve women’s health


Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Anneli Milén, Teacher responsible
Mikko Perkiö, Teacher
Filio Degni, PhD, Teacher


24-Oct-2016 – 24-Nov-2016
Mon 24-Oct-2016 at 10-14, Arvo ls F212
Thu 27-Oct-2016 at 10-14, Arvo ls A308
Mon 31-Oct-2016 at 10-14, Arvo ls F213
Thu 3-Nov-2016 at 10-14, Arvo ls A308
Mon 7-Nov-2016 at 10-14, Arvo ls F213
Thu 10-Nov-2016 at 10-14, Arvo ls A308
Mon 14-Nov-2016 at 10-14, Arvo ls F213
Thu 17-Nov-2016 at 10-14, Arvo rh B342
Mon 21-Nov-2016 at 10-14, Arvo ls F213
Thu 24-Nov-2016 at 10-14, Arvo ls F213