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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2018–2019
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
TAYJ035 Becoming an Efficient Researcher 2 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Postgraduate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Yliopiston yhteiset tohtoriopinnot
Doctoral School

General description

General description

The managing of everyday life as a researcher requires a series of basic skills. These skills are seldom spelled out but have to do with the organization of information flows, time management, priority setting, the setting-up of a publication and conference presentation plan, the decoding of how peer-reviewed journals work (and what that means to our writing skills), communication skills for different occasions, conference presentation skills, people skills and networking skills.

Designed as a two-day course, this course will dedicate the first day to bringing attention to these basic skills through an interactive lecture, the taking of ‘tests’ to assist course participants in articulating their own personal goals as far as academic work is concerned, and discussions based on the reading that will be assigned beforehand.

The second day will focus on the two skills that sometimes take the longest to master and tend to eat up a considerable amount of our everyday lives: 1) the writing for peer-reviewed journals and 2) using of international conferences as network-building opportunities.

Learning outcomes:

-          To identify what each and every one of these academic basic skills are (and understand why all academics need to develop their own approach to improving them)

-          To guide participants in identifying where they are at skills-wise

-          To provide concrete examples of potential strategies that participants can use in order to improve their skills

-          To provide insight into how international peer-reviewed journals work and what this means to how we should write in order to manage being published in them

-          To provide insight into how international conferences work and what we can do to exploit the networking opportunities that they offer

-          To facilitate discussions amongst course participants so that experiences and expertise can be shared

Teaching time:

Tue 12.3. at 9-16 o'clock in room A2A (Main building)


Wed 13.3.2019 at 9-16 o'clock in Pinni B3111

Maximum group size: 25


-          Attendance to, and active participation in the discussions and activities that will be carried out BOTH days is required for the completion of the course

-          All course participants are expected to send in a short (1 A4) text stating:

  • Name and field of research
  • Number of years in the doctoral program
  • Number of articles already published, if any (list # of co-authored and sole author publications separately)
  • Number of international conferences attended
  • Thesis format (i.e. article doctorate or monograph)
  • Reasons for participation (with concrete reference to the type of skills that you are most interested in improving)

Teacher: Prof. Sandra Torres (Uppsala University, Sweden)

www.soc.uu.se /// sandra.torres@soc.uu.se

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Torres, Sandra, Teacher responsible
Pirjo Nikander, Other person


12-Mar-2019 – 13-Mar-2019

