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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2015–2016
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TAYJ035 Planning, Managing and Completing Your Doctoral Thesis 3 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Postgraduate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Yliopiston yhteiset tohtoriopinnot
Doctoral School

General description

General description

This concise two-day course provides practical tools and support for the management of the 4-year doctoral thesis project. The course is directed at doctoral students at the beginning phase of their studies.

The course

- Guides students to identify and use the various tools already at their disposal
- Discusses forms of supervision and the supervisor- supervisee relationship  
- Provides concrete tools for planning & managing the writing process  - Discusses how to use academic conferences as a means of chapter and article writing  
- Encourages doctoral students to share their experiences and expertise

Maximum number of students: 30. Selection method is draw. The student has to check the selection from NettiOpsu after the enrolment period.


Day 1 on 17.9.2015, NB! Room change!  17.9. at 10-12 Pinni ls A3111 and at 12-16 Pinni ls B3116

10-12 Identifying academic skills and tools

12-13 lunch break

13-16 "Using" vs. "going" to academic conferences: A before - during and after model

Day 2 on 1.10.2015, Room A3 (Main building)

10-12 Having a practical map for it all, or how to slice an elephant?

12-13 lunch break

13-16 Giving and receiving feedback: supervisory relationships from start to finish

Pre-assignment: Those students accepted to the course are required to write a short (one A4) text stating

1) Your name & field of research 2) The format of your thesis to be (article doctorate/monograph) 3) 3 key journals + 3 key conferences in your own field 4) 3 issues that you find are the most challenging when it comes to managing the day-to-day reality of thesis writing/research

The pre-assignment will be sent in through Moodle. Deadline is 11.9. at 16.00 o'clock.

In addition students will be asked to write a mini-assignment before the second meeting

PLEASE NOTE: Attendance to BOTH days is required for the completion of the course

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Pirjo Nikander, Teacher responsible


17-Sep-2015 – 1-Oct-2015

