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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2015–2016
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PEACE040 Tampere Peace Perspectives Student Conference 0–5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Master's Programme in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research
Rauhan- ja konfliktintutkimus
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Learning outcomes

• Students gain experience in participating in and organising an academic conference.
• Students will also get a possibility to present and discuss their research in front of a larger audience.

General description

Tampere Peace Perspectives is the first student conference on Peace and Conflict Research at the University of Tampere. Bringing together students from diverse academic backgrounds, the conference is a platform to explore the multidisciplinarity of the field. Attendance as audience is open for all.

See conference website: https://tamperepeaceperspectives.wordpress.com/


The conference lasts one day and takes place on Friday, 26-Feb-2016. It will be opened by an invited key note speaker. Student presentations will follow, divided into themed sessions.

The presentations should be 20-minutes-long each and based on research by the presenting students (e.g. thesis or seminar paper). The study which the presentation is based on need not be finished. Recent graduates are also welcome to participate.

Each presentation will have one discussant. At the latest a week before the conference (Friday, 19-Feb-2016), the presenters will send their presentation materials (the text and/or slides and/or other prepared materials) to the organisers to be distributed to the discussants. The discussants will then prepare 5-minutes-long commentaries based on these materials. A more detailed commentary should be prepared in writing; this text will be given to the presenter in the conference.

Each session will end in general discussion in which members of the audience may ask questions about or comment on the presentations.


MDP in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research: Students may gain credits by preparing and giving a 20-min long presentation in the conference (2 ECTS), by commenting on presentations (1 ECTS / 2 commentaries) and by actively participating in conference organisation and writing a report/learning diary on it (2 ECTS).

Interaktio:  Studenty may gain 5 ECTS by presenting and preparing a more extensive written text.

Students in other programmes may discuss with their teaching staff to see if conference participation can be credited under existing course codes.

For further information regarding the credits contact van.der.velde.anna.i(a)student.uta.fi.


Enrolment period: until 1-Feb-2015

Selection of discussants: 4-Feb-2015                                

Deadline of presentation materials: 19-Feb-2015             

Conference: 26-Feb-2015                                                           



Enrolment via e-mail (millar.stefan.x(a)student.uta.fi) by 1-Feb-2016.

In your message, mention

1) your name and programme/major;

 2) are you interested in presenting and/or commenting;

3) your presentation topic and a brief description of it.



The maximum number of presentations and commentaries is 12-14.

Presentations should be based on research done by the student (e.g. a thesis or a seminar paper) and related to the field of peace and conflict research, understood broadly. In case there are more interested participants than presentation positions, decisions will be made taking into account the following considerations:

1)      Relevance of the topic to Peace and Conflict Research

2)      Multidisciplinarity of the conference

3)      Ease of dividing the presentations into themed sessions

4)      Priority is given to students who are currently working on or who have recently completed their Master’s thesis. Students presenting on topics of other theses or seminar papers are also welcome to enrol. In case of presentation positions remaining, PhD students may present their research.

Priority for discussant positions will be given to students not presenting in the conference.

The selection of presenters and discussants will be conducted by the organisers of the conference.             


Marko Lehti, Teacher responsible


26-Feb-2016 – 26-Feb-2016
Fri 26-Feb-2016 at 9-17, Pinni B1097



Evaluation criteria

Conference participation (presentation/commentary)

Participation in conference organisation and a report/learning diary.