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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2014–2015
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POLKVS32 Stepping Stones to Working Life in the Field of EU-Russia Relations (STEPIN) 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Politiikan tutkimuksen maisteriopinnot
Kansainvälinen politiikka
School of Management

General description

Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module, University of Tampere

Stepping Stones to Working Life in the Field of EU-Russia Relations (STEPIN) is a bridge between the final stages of university studies at the Master’s level and the professional life. STEPIN consists of an intensive, one-week tailor-made training course on EU issues (EU-Russia relations in particular) with special relevance to the students orienting themselves in the working life. Focusing on skills and knowledge in a transversal sense, the training course provides the students with a concrete introduction to professional life in the academia, research institutes, administration, policy-making and the private sector, NGOs and civil society. It emphasizes learning by doing and active participation of the students, teaching staff and visitors, with the aim of increased familiarity with the expectations of potential employers, actual career paths and experiences, and deeper understanding of the relevance of the students’ expertise and skills and different ways of putting them to use.

The course will be organized for the first time on 9-13 March 2015. Both Master's level and post-graduate students can take part, particularly those writing their theses on topics related to the EU and/or Russia. The language of the course will be mainly English, with practical exercises conducted also in Finnish. During the week, the daily programme will run approximately from 10 am to 4 pm. Friday’s programme takes place in Helsinki.

Thematically, this years’ course concentrates on the EU sanctions towards Russia. A public seminar on this topic will start the week. As to the practical skills, special emphasis will be given to the interplay of media and research, and communication skills (exercises). Specificities of Russian media and questions about the EU in the media will also be looked at. A detailed programme will follow.

Completing the course requires written work both before and after the week’s programme, and will give 5 ECTS (e.g., as part of POLKVS32).


Monday 9 March

10-12 introduction to the course/Hanna Ojanen
Venue: lecture rm. A07, Main Building

14.00-16 Public seminar: EU Sanctions against Russia: lessons learned?
Venue: lecture rm. Pinni A3111 (Kanslerinrinne 1)

A year after the first decisions on EU sanctions against Russia, this seminar gathers experts from different backgrounds to discuss the effectiveness of sanctions, the economic and political considerations guiding decision-making in the EU on imposing them, the diversity of member state views, and the consequences of sanctions and countermeasures on businesses, economy, and the EU's unity.

What have we learned? And, in the light of these lessons, what can we say about the state and direction of EU-Russia relations today? What is the role of Finland in these relations?

The main speaker, Dr Clara Portela, is a leading scholar in the field of EU sanctions.

Clara Portela, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Singapore Management University (EU sanctions, theory and practice);
Aleksi Pursiainen, Team Leader, Sanctions Team, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland;
Marco Siddi, Senior Researcher, the European Union Research Programme, the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA);
Tuomas Forsberg, Professor, University of Tampere;
Pami Aalto, Professor, University of Tampere (consequences for the Russian energy sector)

Tuesday 10 March
Venue: lecture rm. A07, Main Building

10-12 Research as career: opting for a PhD, doing research on the EU and Russia in different countries: approaches, environments, and career paths
– with Dr Clara Portela and Dr Marco Siddi

13-16 Exercise in research communication: how to write a ‘comment’?
– with Anna-Kaisa Hiltunen, Sub Editor, Finnish Journal of Foreign Affairs (UP) (includes preparatory work before the course; continues on Thursday)

Wednesday 11 March
Venue: lecture rm. A07, Main Building, and University TV studio

10-16 Researcher/expert and the media: TV interview exercises
– with Jussi Seppälä, Miltton, formerly YLE

Thursday 12 March
Venue: lecture rm. A07, Main Building

10-16 Feedback day: personal feedback and discussion on the TV interviews and on the written exercise (with Jussi Seppälä and Anna-Kaisa Hiltunen)
Possible thesis discussions with supervisors

Friday 13 March

10-16 Programme in Helsinki: Lecture by Minister Jaakko Iloniemi on the CSCE/OSCE then and now; getting to know NGOs working in the field (STETE, KATU); visit to the Aleksanteri Institute (meeting with Dr Hanna Smith)
Course feedback

Enrolment for University Studies

The number of participants will be limited to 10-15. Those interested in taking part are invited to send a letter of motivation that also includes information about the topic and stage on the applicant’s Master’s thesis to Jean Monnet Professor Hanna Ojanen by e-mail (hanna.ojanen@uta.fi) by 20 February at the latest.


Hanna Ojanen, Teacher responsible
Pami Aalto, Clara Portela, Marco Siddi and other guest lecturers, Teacher


9-Mar-2015 – 13-Mar-2015
Lectures 10 hours
Mon 9-Mar-2015 at 10-12, Lecture rm. A07, Main Building
Mon 9-Mar-2015 at 14.00-16, Lecture rm. Pinni A3111, NB! The seminar starts at 14.00.
Tue 10-Mar-2015 at 10-12, Lecture rm. A07, Main Building
Wed 11-Mar-2015 at 10-12, Lecture rm. A07, Main Building
Thu 12-Mar-2015 at 10-12, Lecture rm. A07, Main Building
Group work 16 hours
Tue 10-Mar-2015 at 13-16, Lecture rm. A07, Main Building
Wed 11-Mar-2015 at 12-16, Lecture rm. A07, Main Building, Exercises also in TV studio (room tbc)
Thu 12-Mar-2015 at 12-16, Lecture rm. A07, Main Building
Fri 13-Mar-2015 at 10-16, Excursion to Helsinki.