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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2018–2019
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PEACE1 Contemporary Peace and Conflict Studies 10 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Master's Programme in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research
Rauhan- ja konfliktintutkimus
Faculty of Social Sciences

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course the student:
- is able to describe in general terms the field of peace and conflict research
- knows its different traditions and orientations
- is familiar with the research conducted in the Peace and Conflict Research and can describe its main new critical trends, themes and domains
- is familiar with the historical development of international conflicts and the practices of peaceful change
- is familiar with the contingent meaning of "peace"
- is aware of the global imbalances of power and resources and their relations to conflicts
- is familiar with the key theoretical approaches employed in Peace and Conflict Research
- is able to apply general theoretical and conceptual frameworks to the analysis of conflicts and conflict transformation
- is aware of the current political challenges to global peace
- is familiar with the research themes that are examined in Tampere Peace Research Institute

General description

The course is divided to four sections:

HISTORICAL TRADITION OF THE DISCIPLINE: Peace & Conflict Research Traditions
Description: The aim if this section is to offer a comprehensive overview of the meta-theoretical traditions of peace and conflict research and Tampere Peace Research Institute's location in them.

HISTORY OF IDEAS AND PRACTICE: Peaceful Transformation of Conflicts: Global/Critical and Historical Perspectives
Description: The aim if this section is to offer a comprehensive overview of historical development of idea and practice of peacemaking (incl. peacekeeping, peacebuilding and mediation) as well as the definition of "peace". The particular focus in on the forms of liberal interventionism (incl. democratic peace, humanitarian interventions and liberal peace) and its global critic.

THEORETICAL AND CONCEPTUAL FRAME: Understanding Conflicts and Conflict Resolution: Theoretical Approaches
Description: The aim of this section is to offer a comprehensive overview of the various theories of contemporary violent conflict. The evolution of theories of conflict and violence is discussed, and students are given an appreciation of the usefulness and limitations of theories in relation to the analysis of international conflict.

TAPRI research day:
The aim of the research day is to introduce research conducted at Tampere Peace Research Institute.


Marko Lehti, Teacher responsible
Tarja Väyrynen, Teacher responsible
Élise Féron, Teacher responsible


4-Sep-2018 – 2-Oct-2018
Lectures 26 hours
Tue 4-Sep-2018 - 25-Sep-2018 weekly at 12-14, Linna 6017
4-Sep-2018 at 12 –14 , Linna 5014
11-Sep-2018 at 12 –14 , Linna 5014
18-Sep-2018 at 12 –14 , Linna 5026
25-Sep-2018 at 12 –14 , Linna 5014
Wed 5-Sep-2018 at 11-13, Linna 5014
Thu 6-Sep-2018 - 27-Sep-2018 weekly at 10-12, Linna 6017
6-Sep-2018 at 10 –12 , Linna 5016
13-Sep-2018 at 10 –12 , Linna K108 (-1 floor)
20-Sep-2018 at 10 –12 , Linna 4013
27-Sep-2018 at 10 –12 , Linna 5026
Mon 10-Sep-2018 - 1-Oct-2018 weekly at 12-14, Linna 6017
10-Sep-2018 at 12 –14 , Linna 5014
17-Sep-2018 at 12 –14 , Linna 5016
24-Sep-2018 at 12 –14 , Linna 5016


Numeric 1-5.

Study materials


History of Ideas and Practice:

David Cortright (2008) Peace: A History of Movements and Ideas. Cambridge University Press.


Oliver Richmond (2014) Failed Statebuilding. Intervention, the State, and the Dynamics of Peace Formation. Yale University Press.


Louis Kriesberg (2016) Realizing peace : a Constructive Conflict Approach. Oxford University Press.

Theoretical and conceptual frame:

Charles Webel & Johan Galtung (Eds.)(2007) Handbook of Peace and Conflict Studies. Routledge.


Oliver Ramsbotham, Hugh Miall and Tom Woodhouse  (2011) Contemporary Conflict Resolution, 3rd edition, Cambridge: Polity Press.

Further information

The course is compulsory for the degree students of the MDP in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research. If other UTA degree students or exchange students are interested in joining the course, please contact eveliina.permi@uta.fi to inquire about free places.