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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2013–2014
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COSOPOM3 Qualitative Research Methods 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Master's Degree Programme in Comparative Social Policy and Welfare
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Learning outcomes

This course focuses on qualitative research methods in general, and on specified methods such as ethnography, discourse analysis and narrative analysis. The methodology and the practices of qualitative research methods are discussed. The aim is to enable the students to reflect and use qualitative research methods. Students will be able
- to understand the methodology of qualitative research methods
- to identify different qualitative research methods
- to analyse data with one specified method for example discourse analysis or narrative analysis

General description

The course has three parts:

1) Introduction focuses on the process and methodology of qualitative research. Different ways to interpret the reality and understand knowledge are discussed. Students learn how the research questions and findings are related to the scientific assumptions on which the research methods are based.

2) Students will examine one specific, established qualitative research method (discourse analysis/ narrative analysis/ ethnography etc.). The focus will be on the methodological basis, the forms of data and the ways of analyzing the data. The selection of the covered qualitative methods will be based on the interests of the students.

3) The collection of data and analysis of the data will be exercised. Basic rules of qualitative research method are practiced with a given data in a step-by-step process. The end result will be a well-grounded argument based on the analysis.

The course begins with a period of face-to-face lectures and continues in Moodle.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Kirsi Hasanen, Teacher responsible


8-Jan-2014 – 6-Mar-2014
Wed 8-Jan-2014 at 9-12, Main building ls A07
Thu 9-Jan-2014 at 9-12, Main building ls A07
Fri 10-Jan-2014 at 9-12, Main building ls A07
Thu 6-Mar-2014 at 9-12

Study materials

Required prerequisites: Coffey & Atkinson (1996) Making Sense of Qualitative Data. Complementary Research Strategies.

Further information

The course is meant for students of international Master's programmes. Max. number of students: 25. If there are more interested students, there is a possibility of organising another group.

Compensates PEACE003