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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2016–2017
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POLVOA41/42/S23 Concepts in Movement: Developing a New Dictionary for Civic Activism 5–10 ECTS
Implementation is also a part of open university teaching
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Intermediate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Politiikan tutkimuksen tutkinto-ohjelma
School of Management

General description

Concepts structure the way we see and make sense of the world. They live and change in time, providing answers to problems which trouble people in each social and political era. In this course we take a close look into a group of concepts customarily used in the fields of political science and social movement studies to make sense of the world of democracy and citizenship but which have of late been questioned by a growing body of literature. In the face of late-modern socio-political and technological changes like individualisation, political polarisation, social-mediatisation, and the rise of self-initiated pop up-style of activism, many traditional concepts and theories related to representative politics, citizenship, and social movements have become outdated. This course engages in critical and innovative rethinking of such concepts based on and contributing to the lecturers' new book project 'Concepts in Movement'.

Upon completing the course, the student will be familiar with the central concepts used to describe and explain the relationship between citizens and democracy, and is able to critically evaluate today's political trends and developments along with the arising forms of civic participation and activism.

Enrolment for University Studies

No pre-enrolment.


Tiina Rättilä, Teacher responsible
Jarmo Rinne, Teacher responsible


7-Mar-2017 – 21-Apr-2017
Lectures 24 hours
Tue 7-Mar-2017 - 11-Apr-2017 weekly at 12-14, Pinni A3107
18-Apr-2017 , No class on Tue 18-Apr-2017
Fri 10-Mar-2017 - 21-Apr-2017 weekly at 10-12, Pinni A3107
24-Mar-2017 at 10 –12 , Pinni A4060
14-Apr-2017 , No class on Fri 14-Apr-2017


Numeric 1-5.

Evaluation criteria

The course is offered for both 5 ECTS and 10 ECTS. For 5 ECTS, students are required to read preassigned materials, participate actively in class discussions, and complete a written exam on the lecture materials. For 10 ECTS, students are required to read preassigned materials, participate actively in class discussions, and write a 15-page research paper on a course-related subject.

Further information

Compulsory preceding course: POLPOP02 Introduction to Political Science (exchange students: equivalent studies at home university).