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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2015–2016
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KATSTA12 Business models 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Intermediate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Kauppatieteiden tutkinto-ohjelma
School of Management

Learning outcomes

The course aims to develop the participants' abilities in business model development. The course emphasizes analysing both the revenue generation capacity as well as the growth potential of various businesses. This is achieved by studying numerous business models of many real life companies from various angles and points of view. Business models are seen both as holistic descriptions of individual companies’ value creation logic as well providers of frameworks in developing, evaluating and testing new (start-up) companies’ revenue models and scalability potential.

The course is carried out with a high level of involvement and participation of the students during class room sessions. The aim is that each student has a possibility to study real life cases and then to present them in class. The students work with real life cases and evaluate their business potential, value propositions, target customer segments, and revenue generative capacity.

General description

The course relies heavily on each student’s active participation in working with real life cases.
- The theoretical background of Business ideas and Business models.
- Different types of business models and business logic’s.
- Drafting one’s Business model toolkit through preparation of presentations of selected cases.
- Evaluation of one’s own learning and skills development in a final report.The course relies heavily on each student’s active participation in working with real life cases.
- The theoretical background of Business ideas and Business models.
- Different types of business models and business logic’s.
- Drafting one’s Business model toolkit through preparation of presentations of selected cases.
- Evaluation of one’s own learning and skills development in a final report.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Kari Lohivesi, Teacher responsible


20-Oct-2015 – 14-Dec-2015
Lectures 8 hours
Wed 21-Oct-2015 at 8-12, Paavo Koli
Tue 27-Oct-2015 at 8-12, Atalpa 140
Mon 23-Nov-2015 at 14-18, Main building D11
Wed 25-Nov-2015 at 8-12, Pinni B1097
Mon 30-Nov-2015 at 14-18, Main Building D11
Wed 2-Dec-2015 at 8-12, Pinni B1097
Wed 9-Dec-2015 at 8-12, Pinni B1097
Thu 10-Dec-2015 at 12-16, Pinni B3116
Mon 14-Dec-2015 at 14-18, Main Building D11
Group work 16 hours

Study materials

Osterwalder & Pigneur: Business Model Generation, Wiley 2010.

Further information

The course is lectured in English in Fall during Period I and in Finnish in Spring during Period IV.

Englanniksi syyslukukauden II periodilla ja suomeksi kevätlukukauden IV periodilla.