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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2011–2012
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YHALA561 Management of Innovation 4 op
I Periodi II Periodi III Periodi IV Periodi
Yrityksen hallinto


This course is organized by Tampere University of Technology, Department of Industrial Management.

MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATION   teta 5306  advanced-level course (4 credit, 24 hours)


On completion of this course, students should be able to: have knowledge of sources of innovative opportunity, a general understanding of the importance of the positioning of a new product and ideas of a creative, innovative person and organization.


Topics to be covered in this course include: sources of innovative opportunities, prerequisites of innovation, positioning of a new product, creative and innovative person and organization.


Drucker, Peter (1985 or a newer one) Innovation and Entrepreneurship (250 p + 100 + 40)


LaZerte, D. J & Martin, W. S. (1989) Market Pull/Technology Push, Research and Technology Management, March-April, 1989, pp. 25-31.

Lewitt, T (1960) Marketing Myopia, HBR, July / August

Garvin, D.A (2004) What Every CEO Should Know About Creating New Businesses ,  HBR, Jul/Aug, Vol. 82.

Gronhaug, K and Möller, K (2005) High-Tech Marketing: Fact or Fiction? The Finnish Journal of Business Economics, Special Edition 1, 91- 104.

Root-Bernstein, R. S. (1989) Who discovers and invents, Research and Technology Management, January-Febryary, pp. 43-50.

Ruokolainen, J., (2008). Constructing the first customer reference to support the growth of a start-up software technology company, European Journal of Innovation Management, 11, 2, 282-305.      

Inspiring Innovation (2002) Comments form the most innovative leaders, HBR, August, pp. 39-49.

Teece, D. J. (1986) Profiting from Technological Innovation: Implications for Integration, Collaboration, Licensing and Public Policy, Research Policy, 15, pp. 285-305.

Teece, D.J. (2006) Reflections on ?Profiting from Innovation?.  Research Policy 35 (2006) 1131?1146       Teece, D.J., Pisano, G., Schuen, A. (1997) Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strategic Management Journal, 18 (7), 509-533.

Treacy, M. Innovation as a Last Resort, HBR, Jul/Aug2004, Vol. 82, Issue 7/8.


Uusitalo, O. Sinclair C5 (0), Float Glass (1)

Tushman, L. & O?Reilly, C. (1997) Tyranny of Success (2)

Trott, P. (2002) Dyson, Hoover and the bagless vacuum cleaner (3)

Preuss, G and Leonard-Barton (1991) Chaparral Steel: Rapid Product and Process Dev., HBS, cases (4)

Nelson, J. E. (1977) SouthWeatern Montana Coors, Inc. Montana University (5)


Lectures (compulsory class participation / 70%), written case reports, literature synopses, and a written exam. Students will be asked to prepare and make presentations on the cases in groups. There will be integrative concluding exercise. Class participation 5%, written case reports and literature synopsis 25%, examination 70% (in the exam 50% of the maximum is prerequisite). There will normal final examination reflecting the full scope and content of the course. The weights may be changed.

LECTURES 24.10.-8.12.2011:

1.    Tue  25.10.    14-16       Festia/S1 Kick off  

2.    Thu  27.10.    10-12       Festia/S1

3.    Tue    1.11.    12-14

4.    Tue    1.11.    14-16       "

5.    Tue    8.11.    14-16       Festia/S1                

6.    Thu  10.11.    10-12       "

7.    Tue  15.11.    12-14

8.    Tue  15.11.    14-16       "

9.    Tue  22.11.    12-14                                     

10.  Tue  22.11.    14-16       "

11.  Tue  30.11.    14-16       Festia/S1                

12.  Thu    2.12.    10-12       "

13.  Thu    8.12.    10-12       "   (if needed)                 

Exams: Dec 16th 2011, Jan 30th 2012 and March 12th 2012, olavi.uusitalo@tut.fi, Office: FB213

Tutkinto-opiskelijoiden ilmoittautuminen

The first lecture will take place on 25.10.2011 at 14 - 16 in Festia/S1, TTY.

Ilmoittautuminen Nettiopsussa on päättynyt


Olavi Uusitalo/Jari Ruokolainen, Opettaja

Opintojakson kotisivu


25.10.2011 – 8.12.2011