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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2017–2018
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
KATJOS11 Current Trends in Leadership 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Kauppatieteiden tutkinto-ohjelma
Yrityksen johtaminen
Faculty of Management

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student

- understands how leadership thinking and practices are embedded in broader societal and economic changes

- is capable to analyze and critically evaluate various theoretical perspectives to leadership

- understands and is able to apply cutting edge leadership research findings

- adopts and comprehends the need for new leadership thinking

General description

Contents of the course

The following topics will be discussed during the course:

- Changes of organizing work

- Distinction between the terms leader and leadership

- History of leadership research

- Forms of collective leadership

- Embodiment in leadership

- Sociomateriality in leadership

- Leadership-as-Practice


Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Arja Ropo, Teacher responsible
Perttu Salovaara, Teacher responsible
Riikka Tapaninaho, Support person


27-Oct-2017 – 1-Dec-2017
Lectures 18 hours
Fri 27-Oct-2017 at 10-13, Pinni B 4113
Fri 3-Nov-2017 at 10-12, Main Building E222
Fri 10-Nov-2017 at 10-13, Pinni B 41131
Fri 17-Nov-2017 at 10-13, Main Building E222
Fri 24-Nov-2017 at 10-13, Pinni B 41131
Fri 1-Dec-2017 at 10-13, Pinni B41131


Numeric 1-5.

Evaluation criteria

Learning methods and requirements of completion of the course

- Advance reading of articles for each session

- Active participation in class activities

- Writing a learning diary in a scholarly essay form

Study materials

Scientific articles specified by the teachers.

Further information

This course is for Master students in Leadership for Change. The course is also held in I period for Master students in Management and Organizations (in Finnish).

A very limited number of Master level exchange students with suitable business management studies backround may be accepted to the course.