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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2012–2013
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
KATTAS33 Cost-Benefit Analysis in Health Care 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Kauppatieteiden tutkinto-ohjelma
School of Management

Learning outcomes

Opintojakson suoritettuaan opiskelija tuntee terveydenhoidon taloudellisessa arvioinnissa käytettävät päämenetelmät ja niiden rajoitteet ja osaa soveltaa niitä käytännön tilanteissa.

General description

Enrolment for University Studies

This course is most suitable for continuing or post-graduate studies in health economics or other related subjects. You should register for the course on or before the 3rd of December, but registration may still be possible after this date. Please complete (and click ‘Save’ on) the form


Laurila Hannu, Teacher responsible
Rissanen Pekka, Teacher
Josselin Jean-Michel, Teacher
Booth Neill, Teacher


10-Dec-2012 – 14-Dec-2012
Lectures 25 hours
Lectures and computer exercises
Mon 10-Dec-2012 at 9-15, Pinni A3107
Tue 11-Dec-2012 at 9-11, Pinni A3107
Tue 11-Dec-2012 at 11-15, ml. 40 (Pinni B0040)
Wed 12-Dec-2012 at 9-12, ml. 40 (Pinni B0040)
Thu 13-Dec-2012 at 9-14, Pinni A3107
Fri 14-Dec-2012 at 9-14, Pinni A3107