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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2014–2015
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
Introduction to Academic Culture and Degree Studies
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Other studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
  • Orientation
    Participation in course work - Introduction to Academic Culture and Degree Studies
  • BIO0020 Orientation
    Participation in course work - Introduction to Academic Culture and Degree Studies
  • HEAG01 Orientation
    Participation in course work - Introduction to Academic Culture and Degree Studies
  • MEJOOR Orientation
    Participation in course work - Introduction to Academic Culture and Degree Studies
  • PEACE001 Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies I
    Participation in course work
  • RESO Orientation
    Participation in course work - Introduction to Academic Culture and Degree Studies
  • SISYY006 Orientation
    Participation in course work - Introduction to Academic Culture and Degree Studies
University Services

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course, the student is expected to grasp the principles of studying in the university and to be familiar with the University of Tampere as a study environment. The student is also expected to be aware of the learning, study guidance and councelling opportunities available to her/him. The student is expected to be able to apply this knowledge in the planning and completion of her/his studies.

General description

This practical two-day orientation is offered for international students studying in the Master's Degree Programmes offered through the medium of English. The orientation offers a general overview to academic and study-related practices as well as to livelihood and social security of a degree student in Finland.


Liisa Ahlava, Teacher responsible

Homepage URL


27-Aug-2014 – 8-Sep-2014



Further information

The preliminary programme of the orientation will be made available in the spring/summer 2014.