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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2008–2009
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ERS6 Russian Policies in the European North 4 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Kansainvälinen politiikka/ISSS
Dept. of Political Science and International Relations

General description

Compulsory for CBU students.

Course outline

According to the Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation, adopted in 2008, Russia will do its best to promote practical interaction with the countries of Northern Europe, including support to joint projects implemented under multilateral institutions that foster cooperation in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region in particular and in the Arctic Region in general, taking interests of indigenous peoples into consideration. Previous Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation, adopted in 2008, mentioned neither Northern Europe, nor Arctic Region.

This course will focus on the formation of the Russian Policy on the European North throughout the 2000s, including its origins, functions, organization, structure and prospects for the future.

Course requirements

lecture attendance, additional reading (see below), written review of the additional reading (3-4 pages) and an essay (10-15 pages). Topics of essays will be provided during the last lecture.

Additional readings

·Marin, Anais, Russia's ¨Baltic¨ Regions within the Northern Dimension: Challenges and Prospects for the Future // Presentation at conference ¨Russia and the European Union in the Wider Europe: New Openings and Old Barriers¨, St. Petersburg, September 20-21, 2002. URL: http://www.edc.spb.ru/conf2002/marin.htm

·Makarychev, Andrey S. Where the North Meets the East: Europe's Dimensionalism and Poland's 'Marginality Strategy' // Cooperation and Conflict. Vol 39, No. 3, 2004. P. 299-315.

·Archer, Clive, The Nordic Area as a 'Zone of Peace' // Journal of Peace Research. Vol. 33, No. 4, 1996. P. 451-467.

·Lanko, Dmitri, Russian Debate on the Northern Dimension // Presentation at 6th Pan-European International Relations Conference 'Making Sense of a Pluralist World',  Torino, Italy, September 12-15, 2007 -text to be provided to students during the first lecture.

Enrolment for University Studies

No pre-registration required.


Dr. Dmitri A. Lanko, Saint-Petersburg State University, Teacher


16-Mar-2009 – 17-Mar-2009
Lectures 8 hours
Mon 16-Mar-2009 at 12-14, Linna 5026
Mon 16-Mar-2009 at 16-18, Linna 5026
Tue 17-Mar-2009 at 12-14, Linna 5014
Tue 17-Mar-2009 at 16-18, Linna 5014