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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2010–2011
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KTALS211/KTALJ Cost-Benefit Analysis and Its Applications in Health Care 6 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Department of Economics and Accounting

General description

This is an advanced course especially for MGE-students and for advanced studies in economics (KTALS211: Special Courses in Public Economics)  and for post-graduate studies in economics (KTALJ140).
This course is very suitable also for advanced and post-graduate  studies in health economics and in other relevant subjects.


Course outline:

The course will cover a range of approaches which can be described as ?cost-benefit analysis? and which can be used to weigh up advantages and disadvantages of health care interventions.

It will provide examples of methods which can be used to measure many of the various outcomes which result from the use of health care technologies. It will then show how these building blocks can be combined to form economic evaluations in accordance with cost-benefit thinking.

Starting with the topic ?economic evaluation: some theory and some practice? (Rissanen) the course will continue with largely non-welfarist approaches to the practical application of economic evaluation to health care (Booth). The latter half of the course will deal, amongst other things, with assessing the value of medical tests, estimating transition probabilities and Markov modelling (Josselin).


Course objectives

By the end of the course, participants should:

  • have some insight into the analytical perspective and principles underlying the application of economic evaluation to health care, such as utility, equity, efficiency and decision analytic modelling
  • be familiar with many of the methods used in different types of economic appraisal
  • be better able to assess research which includes estimates of cost, health status measures, Markov modelling, etc. and which can be used to inform macro-medical decision-making


Modes of study:

The course will consist of a total of 25 hours of active participation and coursework plus either an examination or the undertaking of a critical appraisal of an article provided during the course.


Neill Booth (assistant, Tampere School of Public Health), Teacher
Jean-Michel Josselin (professor, University of Rennes 1, France), Teacher
Pekka Rissanen (professor, Tampere School of Public Health), Teacher

Homepage URL


13-Dec-2010 – 17-Dec-2010
Lectures 25 hours
Mon 13-Dec-2010 at 9-14, Pinni A3107, Rissanen
Tue 14-Dec-2010 at 9-12, Pinni A3107, Booth
Tue 14-Dec-2010 at 12-14, Virta ML53, Booth
Wed 15-Dec-2010 at 9-14, Virta ML53, Booth
Thu 16-Dec-2010 at 9-14, Pinni A3107, Josselin
Fri 17-Dec-2010 at 9-14, Pinni A3107, Josselin