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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2018–2019
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POLVOA42/52/S23 Popular Music and Politics 5–10 ECTS
Implementation is also a part of open university teaching
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Intermediate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Politiikan tutkimuksen tutkinto-ohjelma
Faculty of Management

General description

Popular music has played a significant role in western societies since the 1950’s. One of the main features of popular music is that it normally identifies to a certain performer or musician. Because of this identifying process, musicians themselves have become very well-known public figures. During the years, many musicians have used this publicity in order to influence to political processes and to support different political movements.

In this course, we are looking at the ways in which popular music and musicians affect politics. We are focusing on both historical and present context as we try to understand what is the role and meaning of popular music (and popular culture in more general terms) in the modern societies.

After the course, students will have a broad understanding of the different ways how alternative political action works. After the course students also have a comprehensive understanding of different political uses of popular music.

Enrolment for University Studies

The lectures are open to anyone without registration but registration for the seminar part is mandatory and should be done via email to Aki Luoto (aki.luoto@uta.fi) by 2nd of January. In the seminar part there is room for only 24 students, and by completing the seminar part students don't have to write a learning diary. Seminar part includes deeper examining of different ways for popular music and musicians to be political. This is done weekly basis with "hands-on" methods of listening songs, studying historical events and discussing about political aspects of popular music.


Aki Luoto, Teacher responsible


7-Jan-2019 – 21-Feb-2019
Lectures 14 hours
Mon 7-Jan-2019 - 18-Feb-2019 weekly at 10-12, Pinni A1081
Seminar 21 hours
Thu 10-Jan-2019 - 21-Feb-2019 weekly at 14-17, Pinni B4116


Numeric 1-5.

Evaluation criteria

There are two ways for students to complete the course with 5 ECTS: either by (1) attending lectures and seminars and writing an essay or (2) attending only lectures and writing a learning diary and an essay. For 10 ECTS students must write an additional second essay.

Study materials

As an additional reading material the teacher will share articles and book chapters weekly via Moodle.

Further information

Compulsory preceding studies: POLPOP02 Introduction to Political Science, or equivalent studies at sending institution (exchange students).

5 ECTS for Bachelor's level completion (POLVOA42 & POLVOA52)
10 ECTS for Master's level completion (POLVOS23)

Further information from the teacher at the beginning of the course.