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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2014–2015
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STYP5 Finnish Social Welfare and Social Work (V306-8 in the listing of Tamk University of Applied Sciences) 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Basic studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Sosiaalityön tutkinto-ohjelma
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Learning outcomes

Students are able to

1. describe Finnish social welfare system and social work practices
2. analyze social work methods and approaches used within different working fields in practice
3. analyze and compare challenges of social service/social work practices internationally/locally

General description

Course contents:

  • The history, development and present situation of Finnish social welfare system
  • Social welfare services
  • Social work and social work methods in different contexts
  • Social problems and future challenges for service development

Teaching methods:

  • Orientative lectures (15 hours + seminar 12 hours)
  • Course assignments (individual and group assignments)
  • Study visits (5-6 different social work/service fields) in small groups
  • Seminar with a presentation
  • Virtual learning space Moodle is used for discussions and background material

Assessment methods:

  • Active participation in the lectures and study visits
  • Making of assignments
  • Presentation in the seminar

Required/Recommended reading:

  • Articles related to the course themes and field visits is given via moodle.
  • Links to further information are provided in moodle. 

Language: The course is entirely in English.

Year of study:

This course is available for exchange students.

Teaching place:
TAMK University of Applied Sciences
Classroom HO-29
Department of Social Services and Wellbeing
Kuntokatu 3, 33540 Tampere

Juha Santala
Jenni-Mari Räsänen

Lectures and study visits
25 h

Seminar 12 h

Enrolment for University Studies

The course can accommodate 30 students. If more students want to attend, priority is given to students in social work and socionom programs and the order of enrolment so that those first enrolled have the priority. Enrolment ends on 4th September.


Jenni-Mari Räsänen (University of Tampere), Teacher responsible
Juha Santala at Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Tamk), Teacher responsible


11-Sep-2014 – 30-Oct-2014
Thu 23-Oct-2014 at 9-15
Thu 30-Oct-2014 at 9-15
Thu 11-Sep-2014 - 9-Oct-2014 weekly at 9-15

Evaluation criteria

Grading scale 0-5. Grading is based on active participation in lectures, completed assignments, active participation in visits and seminar, and the essay.

Study materials

Course materials and articles will be provided via Tamk’s moodle platform (Tabula)

Further information

Content and program:

Orientative lectures and classroom work (mornings) Classroom HO-29 & excursions (afternoons)

Thu 11.9. 9-15  Introduction
The main characters of Finnish social welfare

Lunch break

Children's day care (in small groups)

Thu 18.9. 9-15  A short history of Finnish social work
Instructions to task 3 (articles)
Lunch break

Adult social work services

Thu 25.9. 9-15  Social work and work methods in different contexts
Introduction to task 4 (essay on a chosen theme)
Lunch break

: Services for the elderly

Thu 2.10. 9-15  Social problems and future challenges
Lunch break

: Sociocultural work with girls/boys/men/women (in small groups)

Thu 9.10. 9-15  Summaries of the articles, reflections and discussion
Lunch break

Social Stand-By Services & Detoxification Unit (to be confirmed)


  1. Differences and similarities between the system in Finland and in your country (in teams), 2-4 pages
  2. What did you learned in the places you visited? The most important findings (two students together), 2-4 pages
  3. Reading articles and course materials, summarizing and introducing them to others in small groups
  4. Essay on a specific theme, 5-6 pages and presentation in the seminar