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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2011–2012
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SPOLP3/SPOLA3A3 Nordic Welfare Societies in Transition 3 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Basic studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

General description

Nordic Welfare Societies in Transition

The aim of the course is that students recognise the features that have commonly been linked with the idea of a Nordic welfare model and Nordic welfare state. In addition students will learn about differences amongst the Nordic welfare states and some changes that they have undergone.

There will be various lecturers during the course. To pass the course active participation is required during the lectures and students need to write a 3 page paper on a certain research question (questions will be formulated during the course). Papers will be discussed jointly during the last session of the course.

Half of the each session will contain a lecture and another half will be dedicated to discussions and/or group work. Lectures take place on Thursdays, 9-12,

Place: 12.1.- 8.3.2012 Linna 6017

The course is coordinated by Liina Sointu (liina.sointu@uta.fi).


12.01 Liina Sointu: Practicalities of the course, Brief introduction to the different types of welfare states in Europe, group work to formulate research questions

19.01 Anneli Anttonen: Nordic welfare model and universalism

26.01 Jouko Nätti: Labour markets and employment in the Nordic countries

02.02 Tapio Rissanen: Gender, work and equality in the Nordic countries

09.02 Liina Sointu: Nordic elder care policies 

16.02 Katja Repo  Nordic child care policies

23.02 Jaana Vuori: Migrants, migration and gender

01.03 Lina Van Aerschot: Nordic citizenship

08.03 Liina Sointu: Discussion based on students' papers and feedback on the course.


Enrolment for University Studies

No need to sign up in advance.


Liina Sointu (coordinator), Teacher


12-Jan-2012 – 8-Mar-2012
Lectures 27 hours