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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2015–2016
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
MEJOS06 The Structure and Economy of Media Industries 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Master's Degree Programme in Media Management
School of Communication, Media and Theatre

Learning outcomes

After completing the course the student will understand:
• Market structure of diverse media industries in historic and current forms
• Theories of the firm
• Business models and copyright issues
• The place and contributions of media industries in GDP over time
• Economic factors impacting the way media are organised and operated

General description

This is an intensive course, meaning the lectures happen in one week of sessions arranged on Monday through Thursday. Prof. Robert G. Picard teaches the course as a visiting professor. He is a founding figuring in the scholarly fields of media economics as well as media management.  Students will take an exam later in the term, and must also write a term paper for Prof. Picard. The details will be provided along with the syllabus when the course begins. The course is required and students earn 5 ECTS.  

Paper due: Dec. 1 at noon, Finnish time via email attachment as MS Word


Enrolment for University Studies

by Nettiopsu max 30 students

Enrolment time has expired


Robert G. Picard, Teacher responsible


28-Sep-2015 – 1-Oct-2015
Lectures 18 hours
Mon 28-Sep-2015 at 13.00-15.30, Main building ls. C7, Lecture 1
Tue 29-Sep-2015 at 9.30-15.30, Main building ls. C7, Lectures 2 & 3
Wed 30-Sep-2015 at 9.30-15.30, Main building ls. A4, Lectures 4 & 5
Thu 1-Oct-2015 at 9.30-12.00, Main building ls. E221, Lecture 6
Thu 29-Oct-2015 at 9.30-11.30, Main building ls. E221, Exam