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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2018–2019
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
KASSM2 Eriytyvä syventävä tutkimusmenetelmäkurssi A: Research methods in education policy 3 op
I Periodi II Periodi II Periodi IV Periodi
Syventävät opinnot
Suoritettavien opintojaksojen kuvaukset opinto-oppaissa
Kasvatustieteiden tutkinto-ohjelma
Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunta


- syventää osaamistaan tutkimusmenetelmien ja tutkimusotteiden osalta lähinnä oman tutkimussuuntautumisen mukaan


The aim of the course is to engage with the questions of What is education policy research? What questions does it aim to answer? What data does it use? and What methodologies does it rely on? The course will be structured in the following way:

First, we will read and discuss academic articles in and on education policy research.

In the second half of the course we will zoom onto a rising area of concern in education policy research, namely, the phenomenon of DATAFICATION. Datafication of education policy is a global phenomenon which, roughly speaking, means production and use of increasingly large amounts of digitally accumulated, stored and processed data when making (policy) decisions on educational matters (see here for a lengthier explanation https://codeactsineducation.wordpress.com/2018/03/17/10-definitions-datafication/). The students will divide into small groups to complete and present a small analysis of datafication from a particular methodological point of view, using a small piece of empirical data.

The course readings will be in English. The course discussions and the course assignment can take place/be completed in either Finnish or English, but we will make final decisions on the language depending on the linguistic background of the enrolled participants.

Tutkinto-opiskelijoiden ilmoittautuminen

Ilmoittautuminen Nettiopsussa on päättynyt


Nelli Piattoeva, Vastaava opettaja


31.1.2019 – 11.4.2019
Pienryhmäopetus 24 tuntia
To 31.1.2019 klo 12-15, Virta 243
To 7.2.2019 klo 12-15, Virta 120
To 14.2.2019 klo 12-15, Virta 120
To 7.3.2019 klo 12-15, Virta 243
To 14.3.2019 klo 12-15, Virta 120
To 28.3.2019 klo 12-15, Pinni A3103
To 11.4.2019 klo 9-15, Virta 114
Itsenäinen työskentely 57 tuntia


Max 30 students.