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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2016–2017
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KASA4 Comparative Education - Book exam 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Intermediate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Kasvatustieteiden tutkinto-ohjelma
School of Education

Learning outcomes

The students
- understand the significance of comparative research in the development of educational theories and education policy-making
- learn to analyse educational phenomena in an international perspective.


Tuomas Takala, Teacher responsible


Independent work 111 hours

Further information

Book exam in english for international students as a part of studies in Multicultural Study Programme in Education:

Independent study of reading the required literature and taking an examination on set study materials on general examination days of the School of Education. Please, note that you must sign up for the examination at least seven days before the exam by leaving a filled in and signed examination envelope in the white examination box at the School of Education (Virta building, 2rd floor, entrance hall)

General Examination dates on Fridays at 14-18

Autumn term 2016: Friday 18th of November

Spring term 2017: Friday, 5th of May


Bray, M. & Adamson, B. & Mason. M. (eds.), Comparative Education Research. Springer. 2014. (Chapters 1, 4, 5, 7, 9 ja 15), available as ebook in Tamcat

Phillips, D. & Schweisfurth, M. 2008 and 2006 ,Comparative and International Education: an Introduction to Theory, Method and Practise.  London: Continuum.

Novoa, A. & Yariv-Marshal, T. Comparative Research in Education: A Mode of Governance or a Historical Journey? World Yearbook of Education 2014, Taylor & Francis (can be found via the Nelli-portal).

Jones, P.W., Education and the World Order. Comparative Education 43 (3), 325-337. 2007. (can be found via the Nelli-portal, e-journals).